
Kid Zero Creative Writing Chord Lead development and synth layering [TUTORiAL]

Kid Zero Creative Writing Chord Lead development and synth layering
P2P | 06 June 2015 | 545 MB
This course takes a deeper look into creative writing.
Original creative writing isn't easy, but with a few tips covered in this course, learn how to take a few simple chords and expand them into a full rhythmic section with a complimentary lead. Learn the steps every major producer takes in writing their hit songs.

Any serious producer could agree that writing a solid lead is hard. Especially if your trying to physically perform the lead on a keyboard and your not a concert pianist. Nick Holiday covers a few simple tips that can help you take a simpler approach to writing a lead melody.
Watch as Nick takes a straight forward lead, and with a few tweaks, turn it into a memorable, fun and energetic lead. Once we have our chords and lead melody, learn how structure mapping can help you create a blue print for your track. This really helps with the writing and creating process. It's like thy say, good chord structure is the key to writing a good song.

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