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PastToFutureReverbs 135 Chopped Vinyl Piano Chords [KONTAKT]

PastToFutureReverbs 135 Chopped Vinyl Piano Chords
P2P | 20 June 2023 | 132 MB
You will get 135 Royalty free piano chord samples cut from our rare custom made vinyl piano record and layered over the Keys in Kontakt. (2 Instruments)

This is a great way to find some cool chord progressions, licks, song ideas and more with one finger!

You can also browse through the wav samples that are included und load them into your favorite sampler or DAW and go from there!

Great for lo-fi beats, hiphop, R&B, Nu-Jazz etc..

24Bit/48kHz Samples

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RnB, Rap or Hip Hop, Jazz or Blues

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