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Title Category Author Date

Joey Sturgis Tones Toneforge Menace v1.3 RETAIL

Toneforge is a series of virtual guitar and bass rigs designed to take you all the way from direct input to final mix with mixing tools designed by Joey Sturgis. Menace, the first of many future models, is an aggressive metal amp built to power through guitar leads and riffs.

Software Marc1969 25.04.2018 1

Joey Sturgis Tones Tominator

ominator is a filter-based plugin solution for killing bleed on your drums. Built on advanced, adjustable filter automation - users are able to treat bleed in a more natural approach than gating. A process that used to be tedious and complicated is now simplified and streamlined, meaning you can spend less time cleaning up tracks, and more time mixing.

Software Marc1969 25.04.2018 1

Samplephonics DIRTY MODULAR

SYNTHiC4TE | Oct 17 2014 | 6.3 GB

Introducing Dirty Modular, a powerful hybrid modular virtual instrument powered by the Kontakt Free Player.

Under the hood of this beast lies 8,496 pristine audio samples, direct from a real analogue modular synth. These form the bases of 170 multisampled oscillator settings ready to be combined, routed and processed further.

From the front end you are presented with a stunning GUI allowing you to create patches visually using the 3d rendered cables, as well as load and save internal presets at lightening speed and without reloading the main Kontakt instrument.

This stunning instrument is packed full of analogue modelled effects and powerful LFO's, envelopes and an analogue style step sequencer. It is able to create a huge range of sounds, from filthy basses and leads to retro 80's pop to deep melodic pads and everything in between.

We wanted to create something that put detailed raw sounds already at your fingertips, allowing deep and complex sounds to be built easily without fiddling, allowing you to concentrate on what is most important - the music!

Libraries Marc1969 06.02.2018 0
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