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Does anyone has this one for a reupload?

Transitional FX are a staple of every genre whether you’re an EDM producer or a Hip Hop producer or even in a band. Transitions prepare the ear for change and help guide the listeners expectations and emotions during a song. Knowing how to create these types of sounds both from a sound design perspective as well as a production stand point will give you the utmost control.

In this tutorial course, Echo Sound Works will teach you how to create some of the most important sounds you’ll ever learn how to create – from scratch.

Totalling over 3 hours of indepth video tuition, the Transition FX Masterclass covers a variety of effects including risers, pitch ups, pitch downs, sweeps, drum fills, drum builds, reverse sounds and more. Presented across 18 individual sections, get step by step instruction on how to make each type of sound from scratch; learn how and when to use each type of sound in your productions and expand your skills with a diverse range of essential sound design techniques using synths such as MASSIVE, SERUM and SYLENTH.

Learning Somox-010 02.10.2024 0
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