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Title | Category | Author | Date | ||
Studio one pro 7 |
Software | Tevin | 11.10.2024 | ||
Studio one pro 7 |
Software | Tevin | 11.10.2024 | ||
Studio One Harmony Wizard |
Software | Tevin | 10.09.2024 | ||
Harmony WizardThis is a Studio one add-on. refer to this video -> |
Software | Tevin | 22.08.2024 | ||
Resonic ProResonic Pro is a powerful sample manager, audio browser, and creativity tool for audio professionals and enthusiasts and comes loaded with a unique set of inspiring and workflow-enhancing features that supercharges your productivity. With exceptional speed, responsiveness, stability, and usability you can get done more in less time. |
Software | Tevin | 17.03.2024 | ||
Oeksound Bloom |
Software | Tevin | 15.03.2024 | ||
Fruity Dx10Can someone please Rip Fruity Dx10 As a VST for use in other DAWS |
Software | Tevin | 27.02.2024 | ||
Log Drum (VSTi-AU-AAX)Log Drum VST INSTRUMENT BY ProducerSources |
Software | Tevin | 02.12.2023 |