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Title Category Author Date

Audio Modeling SWAM String Section (Windows)

Libraries arkain 11.05.2024 1

Audio Modeling SWAM All-In Bundle (PC)

For PC

Libraries arkain 11.05.2024 1

SoundPaint All Bundle

Soundpaint™ is a Sonic Multiverse of Instruments.

The Sountpaint All Bundle offers you full command of all available Soundpaint Instruments at the time of your purchase.

The Soundpaint All Bundle offers you full command of the current Soundpaint Instrument collection. Anything from pro-graded cinema instruments to historical- and Ultra Deep-Sampled Vintage Synths. Or perhaps the most accurate drum machines ever sampled or Soulful Guitars. Maybe you just wanna morph it all together?

The Soundpaint All Bundle offers you the deepest- and most diverse access to all our current instruments. Feel the kinetic magic as Soundpaint offers you 127 dynamic layers for all velocity-based instruments. The All Bundle also includes the highest-fidelity versions (Ultra Deep-Sampled UDS) of the libraries.

Libraries arkain 25.11.2022 1

SoundPaint All Bundle

Libraries arkain 25.11.2022 5
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