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Title Category Author Date

Presonus Studio One 5 Professional v5.5.2

Version 5.5.2 Release Notes (April 5, 2022):

● Demos and Tutorials added to demo version installer
● Improved tempo detection from ACIDized WAV files
● [Sound Variations] support for MIDI channel switching in AU instruments

The following issues have been fixed:
● Dithering artifacts under certain conditions
● [Macro Toolbar] Crash when creating Menu Button and switching pages
● [Macro Toolbar] Crash when assigning command to menu item
● [Macro Toolbar] Importing page does not select it with an Extension Macropage
● Notes get stuck in the Instrument Editor
● Stuck "packaging" status window when (auto-) saving
● Mute/Solo in music editor mutes/solos the mixer channel not the track
● Wrong icon size in "Add File Type" dialog
● [macOS - Apple Silicon] Crashed plug-in is not displayed in startup dialog
● Strange behavior when removed notes are still "selected" internally
● Event FX Crash with plug-ins with sidechain and latency
● Exported sampler file is always displayed with the same name in Browser

Software audio_stuff 08.04.2022 0
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