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Title Category Author Date

Vengeance Tape Stop

The Tapestop effect is as old as it is famous, and Vengeance has the deluxe version of this effect for you:
VPS Tapestop is your new favourite tool when it comes to all kind of pitch effects. But stop, it can do a lot more: with the build in sequencer, volume and filter envelopes or the new "tape slip" feature you can create crazy effects, way beyond the classic Tapestop pitch-down

Software djstev1e 22.08.2018 1

Little AlterBoy - Soundtoys

Monophonic Voice Manipulator
Vocal formant and pitch shifting. Hard Tune FX. Robot/Vocoder Mode. Tube Drive.

Software djstev1e 17.06.2018 2

Abletunes EQ Wise

EQ WISE+ is a 8 band parametric EQ VST/AU plugin with Built-in EQ Charts

Software djstev1e 14.06.2018 2
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