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Spitfire Audio Albion I REDUX V.5.0

Spitfire Audio Albion I REDUX V5.0 KONTAKT | 26.74 GB

Made from a totally new set of samples recorded in May and June 2011 at Air-Studios Lyndhurst Hall, ALBION is the most exciting addition to Spitfire’s commercial range to date. A one-stop-shop of thundering orchestral delights….

ALBION ORCHESTRA - “…if you need a palette of powerful orchestral ensembles which will inspire your writing, galvanise your scores and generally add class, sheen, size, power and depth to your orchestral armoury, the library delivers in spades.” Sound On Sound Magazine October 2011.

The finest orchestral session musicians playing the finest, rarest instruments, recorded at Air Studios - Lyndhurst Hall, London, through the finest vintage, valve, and ribbon mics to 2" tape. The only tape based orchestral library in the world. This is all you need to write epic sounding, widescreen cinematic orchestral music straight out of the box. Recorded in sections, this library features rich, aggressive and lyrical strings; punchy, growling brass; and some seriously malevolent woodwinds.

All patches come with 4 mixable/ routable and selectable mic positions C(lose), T(ree), A(mbient) and O(outrigger). Work with one mic "in" on your laptop on the plane, then render down with all four routed to 5.1 on your "big rig" back at your studio.

In addition to that, true legato is available across all choirs of the orchestra. A new and innovative addition is our "Ostinatum" engine that helps you build exciting and unexpected arrangements to your flowing top-lines and a huge bank of mod wheel fade orchestral FX to provide you with some alearic colours.

DARWIN PERCUSSION - “The ‘cinematic’ sound of big, booming drums and scary, low?pitched rumbles and crashes, preferably recorded in a highly reverberant hall acoustic… this type of explosive, earth?shaking racket is amply covered in Albion.” Sound On Sound Magazine October 2011.

Darwin Percussion is a thunderous collection of massive cinematic drums, ear piercing metal slams, sub sonic thuds, a cymbal ensemble and exciting mid and high range action sections. Available with 4 round robins, 4 dynamic layers and 3 mic positions.

STEPHENSON'S STEAM BAND - “…introducing a psychedelic, other?worldly quality. The pads section ranges from dreamy, gently swelling chordal textures to enormous, multi?octave ‘choir of the gods’?style patches.” Sound On Sound Magazine October 2011.

Derived and punked entirely from our orchestral recordings, to make these "other-worldly" soundscapes easier to mix into the orchestral sound-palette. With X/Fade modulation and 2 mic positions for surround information. Whilst being enormous in scale and interest, all pads and drones are harmonically monophonic for true musical integration into your cues.

BRUNEL LOOPS - A selection of esoteric tools designed to sit on top of your mix to add sparkle and "motivation". These feature up to 4 dynamic layers of MW Xfade and an advance FX sequencer.

Winning two Future Music awards: “Platinum” and “Value”. The magazine awarded Albion these scores: 8/10 for Stability, 10/10 for Value, 9/10 for Ease Of Use, 9/10 for Versatility, 9/10 for Results.

It is quite simply a must for any aspiring film composer, and equally any existing film composer wishing to pump life back into a tired palette of sounds. Recorded in London for that truly "British" sound, Albion is the only library commercially available in the world today.



We love Albion, and it seems that a lot of you do too. Having worked with it on numerous films, tv series and computer games for a couple of years now; having gained new ground in developing our BML range; and having received numerous ideas and comments from our extensive and passionate user base; the Spitfire team has set about revising the entire range to keep Albion feeling fresh, new and as cutting edge as if you had bought it yesterday.

AS ALWAYS THESE UPDATES AND NEW SAMPLE CONTENT WILL BE SENT OUT TO OUR EXISTING USERS ABSOLUTELY FREE-OF-CHARGE. To celebrate this relaunch we will also enjoy a 6 week discount voucher promo period which will, we hope, make the jump into "Albion-land" that much easier, or indeed make it as easy as possible for you to complete your range.



• Totally freshly mixed Albion Orchestra "Baked Ensembles" for out-of-the-box left and right handed playing with no extra burden on your system. They're huge!
• A new bank of totally new Stephenson's Pads made from totally new samples derived from the Albion Orchestral sessions.
• More Brunel Loops to refresh your "ticker" palette.
• All New Darwin "Wipes", thunderous transitions derived from our Darwin sessions.
• Over 100 useful and inspiring hand crafted Ostinatum Presets designed by an Award Winning composer.


• ADDED: New unified UI to match the latest Spitfire releases.
• ADDED: ‘Persistent releases’. Release triggers no longer fade out when moving the mod wheel.
• ADDED: ‘fp Hall trigger’. When moving from fp to lower dynamics (in select articulations) the hall reverb is retained.
• ADDED: Round Robin layering to thicken the texture.
• ADDED: Marcatos (and leisurely staccatos) can now be released early with an RT.
• ADDED: Stereo Collapse for the close mic functionality.
• ADDED: Per articulation mixing ability.
• UPDATED: Moves the Albion series to the ‘BML’ codebase with all its latest features and functionality.
• UPDATED: Latest version of the FX sequencer and Ostinatum machine.
• UPDATED: Latest UACC specification implemented.
• FIXED: Dynamics & Expression now do not conflict when assigning CC1/CC11 to sliders.
• FIXED: Various bug fixes and performance tweaks.
Yes, the Spitfire Audio team has removed the Legato sample for Legacy Albion 1 Redux for some reason at Albion ONE.

Libraries ehehfldk 04.07.2018 1
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