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Title Category Author Date

Abitdeeper - Dub Techno Elements

Get that instant Deepchord / Basic Channel Dub Techno Vibe in your tracks with this Exclusive Sample Pack created using Vintage Analog and Digital equipment.

Contents : 495 Single shot samples in stereo .WAV format including lush analogue & digital minor chords, dub tape delay sound effects, deep sub bass hits and speciality tuned drum & percussion hits.

All melodic sounds are categorised by musical key and contain tagging information for easy use in your DAW.

Many respected artists on the underground scene are already using this pack to create vinyl ready tracks with Ableton Live, Logic Pro, Reason, FL Studio, Maschine, Cubase, Bitwig, MPC and all kinds of Hardware Samplers and you can too!

Libraries mbenner 19.08.2023 1

Abitdeeper - Real Deep Drums

Get that instant Fat Crunchy Vibe in your tracks with this Exclusive Sample Collection with over 3000 Drum Sounds compiled over 20 years recorded using Vintage Samplers, FX and a Reel to Reel Tape Recorder.
Contents : 3000 One shot drum samples in .WAV format perfect for Deep House, Techno and Downtempo genres.

Equipment used :

Samplers - Akai S950, Ensoniq EPS16+, Korg DSM-1

Recording - Roland M-12E Mixer, Aphex 104 Aural Exciter, Fostex Model 3070 Compressor / Limiter, Fostex Model 80 Reel to Reel

Samples are organised in folders and contain tagging information for easy use in your DAW.

Many respected artists on the underground scene are already using this pack to create vinyl ready tracks with Ableton Live, Logic Pro, Reason, FL Studio, Maschine, Cubase, Bitwig Studio, MPC, Hardware Samplers and now you can too!

Libraries mbenner 19.08.2023 1

Abitdeeper - Real Deep Elements

Fuse your studio with the sound of vintage hardware used by the original House and Techno pioneers of Chicago & Detroit.

An exclusive collection of 808 single shot sounds from vintage synths and drum machines sampled using both Akai S950 and Akai S1000 hardware samplers providing a choice between Lo-fi 12-bit Crunch or a Punchy 16-bit Stereo Sound (1616 samples in total).

Libraries mbenner 19.08.2023 1

Abitdeeper - Real Deep Chords Vol.2

Get that instant Deep Vibe in your tracks with this Exclusive Sample Collection containing 501 Authentic Deep Chord Samples created respectfully using a mix of Vintage and Modern Analog & Digital synthesisers.

Contents : 501 One shot samples in .WAV format including lush pads, synth stabs and electric piano chords perfect for Deep House, Techno and Downtempo genres.

Libraries mbenner 19.08.2023 1
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