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Tapes.01 by The Phonoloop

Tapes.01 focuses on synth sounds and sound synthesis in general. The sound sources were created using various hardware and software synthesizers and effects – from digital FM and physical modelling synths to both analog and digital eurorack modules and synths. Everything was recorded either on tape, cassette, microcassette, or cassette tape loops, so every sound already have a nice texture before you start messing with it (also because we just like to record things to tape).

Most parameters can be modulated by various sources, so while it naturally excels in creating lofi, warm and (often unpredictable) evolving sounds, it's also great for creating modern and cinematic stuff or even better - a mixture of both. It's something that, we think, is quite special - add to that the unpredictable nature of tape loops, and you can spend hours messing with it. Funny enough, even we weren't expecting how versatile it'll end up be.

Furthermore, there's the new swarm mode (beside other modes like polyphonic, mono & legato). It's great for taking small portions of the sounds and smelting them into bigger evolving loops, or rain like droplets, or even turning them into smeared-out wall of sound, similar to how granular synthesis can sound.

Libraries noodldoodl 01.03.2022 0
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