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All Kits Bundle Deal

Check out our brand new All Kits Bundle Deal on Beats24-7! This is the Deal of all Deals! By purchasing this Product you will get every, yes every Kit on our entire Website. That means all Drum Kits, Sample and Vocal Packs, Construction Kits, Preset Banks, Loop Packs, …. EVERYTHING! Do not pass up this huge offer and opportunity! Instead of buying our Kits here and there and end up spending a lot of money you can get all and everything for a lot cheaper! This Deal gets you all Products (VSTs excluded) worth more than $2699 for a crazy cheap price… Be sure to benefit from this dope deal and save a ton of money!

•More than 160 High Quality Kits from Beats24-7
•More than 100 GB of content
•Usable in all DAWs (FL Studio, Cubase, Logic, Studio One, Reason, etc.)
•Only VST plugins and their expansions are excluded
•100% Royalty-free
•Instant D/L as .zip file

Libraries pex 17.10.2018 0

studiolinked infiniti player / expansions

Infiniti Player is a powerful rompler Engine built for modern music production. Whether you create in a studio or on the go. Infiniti Player is always prepared to perform.
Its impressive builtin factory sound library contains over 500 multi sampled acoustic and synthesized instruments. For all who purchase Infiniti Player will receive 2 free expansion packs.
INFINITI PLAYER comes with advanced synthesis controls that are perfect for sound designers. Activate LFO, select Waveform and control its destination.
The Chord Section allows you to play any major, minor or diminished chord type. Music theory can some times be a challenge so we added controls to add a 7th, 9th or 11th to your chord structure.
Infiniti Player has an advanced arpeggiator. With the first ever 3x up, up down & down up arp types.
The library rack allows you to browse between & organize expansion packs. What makes Infiniti also stand out from the rest is its 3D animation library system. Each sound library contains a unique animation clip. So there is always something visually moving or lighting up when notes are being triggered.

Libraries pex 13.01.2018 2
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