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Zero-G Ethera Gold Atlantis 3

ETHERA GOLD ATLANTIS 3 is a remarkable, innovative instrument designed for crafting soundtracks, cinematic compositions, awe-inspiring music trailers, and any musical piece demanding exceptional solo vocals. Serving as the successor to the highly-praised and top-selling ATLANTIS 2 library, ATLANTIS 3 builds upon its predecessor's success.

Atlantis 3 contains a staggering 30GB of 24bit, 48Khz samples unique to this instrument (compressed into 21GB). This achievement is a testament to the extensive dedication and research invested in crafting the definitive vocal library. Drawing inspiration from the ethereal charm of Celtic tunes, grandiose fantasy compositions, and medieval melodies, we confidently assert that this is the finest, most invigorating, and vibrant vocal library ever tailored for these music genres. With Atlantis 3, you'll have the means to compose with unparalleled inspiration and truly extraordinary vocal quality!

Atlantis 3 is packed with content and features. There are 6 amazing Professional Cinematic Singers, 16 Different Types of True Legato Instruments including Chromatic Vocal True Legato, Romantic True Legato, Valhalla True Legato and an Elven True Legato. There are 6 brand-new True Legatos in the following styles - Heroic, Dark Siren, Roma, Venezia, Firenze, and Syllables.

Libraries romamafia 30.12.2023 1
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