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Title Category Author Date

Earth Moments Island Projects Indian Ocean

'Island Projects: Indian Ocean' is an idyllic bundle of sounds from the islands of Reunion, Mauritius and Madagascar, a region of outstanding natural beauty with a mix of diverse cultures. Here the visions of few awe-inspiring Ethnic groups with their deep-rooted African influence have created these extraordinary instruments that represent a blend of traditions to produce rare and unique sounds.

Typically, the instruments such as the Kayam, Ravan and Gambri have been hand-made and are designed for live performances in various situations such as ceremonies or live shows. The sounds produced are distinctive, from Maloya to Tamil, Creole to French.

Earth Moments offer you this melodic bundle that captures a successful marriage of striking strings and pure percussion.

Technical Specifications:

• 24-Bit Quality
• 1.17 GB

Libraries zzeepi 26.05.2020 2
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