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Title Category Author Date

Maag Audio EQ4 MAC OSX

Software Aesthetic 01.07.2021 0

Maag Audio EQ4

One of the best Analog EQs out there.

Software Aesthetic 01.07.2021 3

Softube Chandler Limited® Zener-Bender [Mac OSX]

A powerful and musical modern plug-in channel strip with the unique vintage sound of Chandler Limited®, the Zener-Bender combines the crisp and colorful character of the Curve Bender Mastering Equalizer with the big, punchy Zener Limiter to bring class, history, and most crucially of all, a phenomenal sonic impact. Component-modeled with Softube’s customary care and experience, these units together can take charge of any mix.

Software Aesthetic 08.06.2021 3

Tube-Tech Complete Collection [Mac OSX]

Comprised of three separate units, the passive tube-driven PE 1C and ME 1B ‘Pultec’-style equalizers and the world-famous CL 1B optical compressor, it brings warm, punchy analog sound to any production, and represents the very best in quality and versatility available for the modern DAW-based studio, or anywhere else for that matter.

Software Aesthetic 08.06.2021 3
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