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Title Category Author Date

Bolder Sounds - Guitarron (Kontakt)

The Guitarron is probably the most overlooked bass instrument in the world of sample libraries - It is a 6 stringed fretless instrument which is commonly played in octaves in traditional Mariachi music. The Guitarron has also been employed on recordings by rock-pop artists as Jackson Browne (Linda Paloma), Linda Ronstadt (Canciones de mi Padre) and the Eagles (Hotel California). This is the instrument which inspired Ernie Ball to create the Acoustic Bass guitar in 1972.

Libraries Antitone 13.08.2020 0

Cinematique Instruments - German Monochord (Kontakt)

21 strings in the the same tune

The word “monochord” means literally “one string”. It is an instrument with many strings of the same length stretched over a wooden soundbox, all tuned to the same tone. If you slowly pass your hands alternately over the strings without a break, you get a long-lasting sound that is rich in overtones.

We recorded several different articulations and interesting FX patches which are all available in one patch.

Libraries Antitone 13.08.2020 0

Cinematique Instruments - Shruti Box (Kontakt)

The Shruti is a keyless version of the harmonium, which was invented for the specifc purpose of producing drone sounds.

We carefully recorded notes and noises and paid special attention to capture the unique character of it which can described as rough and vibrant. We added distortion, chorus and a rotary simulation. But that ́s not all! We invented the Shruti-Sizer!

Libraries Antitone 13.08.2020 0

Spitfire - Titanium Euphone (Kontakt)

Haunting Glass Resonances

Commissioned by award--winning composer Christian Henson, who along with the Spitfire team has deeply sampled these otherworldly tones to work in perfect harmony with contemporary music. The world's first sampled Titanium Euphone is made up of finely crafted glass rods, which when stroked trigger tuning rods and metal & fibreglass amplifying resonators, creating haunting, bell-like resonances with a sound like no other. The instrument is a newer and more musical incarnation of the famous Cristal Baschet.

Libraries Antitone 02.08.2020 0

Spitfire - Andy Findon Kit Bag 2 (Kontakt)

Five more incredible wood-wind instruments from the sessions master himself. Featuring amazing out of the box versions of the Quena, Chinese Membrane Flute, Low Ocarina, Bansuri, and bewitching Low Pan Pipes.

Libraries Antitone 02.08.2020 0

8Dio - Blendstrument Strange Pulses (KONTAKT)

Libraries Antitone 13.07.2020 0

8Dio - Blendstrument Hybrid Pulses V.1.1 (KONTAKT)

Libraries Antitone 13.07.2020 0

8Dio - Blendstrument Motion Textures (KONTAKT)

Libraries Antitone 13.07.2020 0

Affinity Harmonics - Yamaha SK50D

Ultra Rare Triple Synthesizer and Dual Symphonic Organ!
It includes 5 full-featured modules including:

A giant solo monophonic synth
A 3 oscillator polyphonic synth and string machine
A monstrously unique 3 oscillator monophonic bass synth
A 2 timber lush lower organ
A adjustable 9 drawbar style upper organ with an additional 3 timber perk layers.

Libraries Antitone 08.07.2020 0

Sampletrip - FMeral V2
FMERAL is a virtual instrument that uses FM and AWM Synthesis waveforms sampled from YAMAHA FM Synthesizer (Yamaha SY99)

Libraries Antitone 01.07.2020 0

Ink Audio - Ink Guitar

An ambient electric guitar library for Kontakt.
Easily create swells, pads and textures.
3.29 gb. For full version of Kontakt 5.8 and above.
UI controls include envelope, filter, chorus, tremolo, rotator, drive, stereo, delay and reverb.
Kontakt Instruments from 4 different guitars, 5 time synced reverse swells, 23 time synced rhythmic patches
Baritone Short Trem Swells, Baritone Soft Muted, Baritone w Bigsby, 335 Feedback, 335 Long Trem Swells, 335, Hollowbody, Hollowbody w Vib, Slide 1, Slide 2

Libraries Antitone 21.06.2020 0

Hideaway Studio - Micro - 5K (Kontakt)

Equipment Used:

All sample material captured from a 1986 Hybrid Technology Ltd MUSIC 5000 synth module controlled by a 1983 Acorn BBC Micro Model B running the AMPLE music programming language. Sample capture in 24-bit audio using an RME Fireface fed via a 1969 Fairchild model 662 germanium pre-amp and model 664 transformer-coupled passive-EQ. MIDI control offered by Hideaway Studio’s M5KMIDI a custom MUSIC 5000 MIDI interface for the BBC Micro.

Libraries Antitone 18.06.2020 0

Soundiron - Principessa (Kontakt)

Soundiron's Principessa library captures the vintage sounds of the classic and very rare "Princess" organ. This 2-tiered electric organ was manufactured in the late 60s or early 70s by Welson, a now long-forgotten Italian instrument maker that was once known for its organs and guitars.

Libraries Antitone 06.06.2020 0

3Maze - Roomscape (Kontakt)

Roomscape is an ambient infinite tape playback machine designed to generate infinite soundscapes derived from real-world field recordings of interior and exterior

The unique feature of Roomscape is that it is designed to emulate a tape machine in that you simply press play and then blend and modulate up to 4 sources as it plays.

This gives incredibly unique evolving soundscapes that never stop!

Libraries Antitone 12.05.2020 0

Chocolate Audio - Celestial Celesta for Kontakt

Libraries Antitone 22.04.2020 0

Decent Samples - Indie Guitar Fender Jazzmaster (kontakt)

Libraries Antitone 17.03.2020 0

Indiginus - Electric Lap Steel Guitar (kontakt)

Libraries Antitone 15.03.2020 0

Ample Metal - Hellrazer III

Ample Metal Hellrazer III aim to bring a Schecter Hellraiser nine string guitar sound to your studio, the tuning are #C, #F, B, E, A, D, G, B, E. It is suited for heavy metal styles such as Metalcore, Progressive Metal and Djent.

Libraries Antitone 01.03.2020 0

Iconic - Syndrum and DS-4 COMPLETE [KONTAKT]

Pollard Syndrum i Ult-Sound DS-4

Libraries Antitone 06.02.2020 0

Sonokinetic - The Carnival (Kontakt)

Two Unique and Authentic Dutch Barrel Organs in One Multi-sampled Instrument

Libraries Antitone 05.02.2020 0
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