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Title Category Author Date

Kilohearts Phase Plant 1.8.5

Phase Plant is a sound designer's dream come true
Whether you just installed your first DAW, you’re looking for inspiration to follow up that award-winning single you produced last year, or you’ve been tasked with creating the sound of a hot broadsword slashing through ice for an online game, we have what you need.
Phase Plant gives you more options and flexibility than you can shake a stick at, to make things as big or small as you need without compromising the workflow. All in one box.

Software itsan 02.07.2020 0

Kilohearts Phase Plant 1.8.5 OSX

Phase Plant is a sound designer's dream come true
Whether you just installed your first DAW, you’re looking for inspiration to follow up that award-winning single you produced last year, or you’ve been tasked with creating the sound of a hot broadsword slashing through ice for an online game, we have what you need.
Phase Plant gives you more options and flexibility than you can shake a stick at, to make things as big or small as you need without compromising the workflow. All in one box.

Software itsan 13.07.2020 0

Plug-ins hardware modelised for mac

Thanks :D

Software itsan 01.03.2020 0

Steinberg Halion OSX

Hi ! Thanks for all of your works, maybe it's impossible but I guess it doesn't cost anything to ask :)

Software itsan 07.03.2018 0

Vertigo VSM-3

Developed by Brainworx, the Vertigo VSM-3 plugin delivers the beloved badass harmonic generators of Vertigo Sound’s acclaimed VSM-2 Mix Satellite.

The engineers at Brainworx have carefully studied the lusted-after harmonic generation and shrewd settings of the VSM-2 hardware, and obsessively recreated it all in the VSM-3 plugin.

The plugin even adds some features not found on the original hardware like the THD Mixer’s dry/wet control, and the ability to run the Crusher and Blender in parallel or serially.

The VSM-2 sound is now an A-List option for adding character and emphasis to tracks and busses. Its M/S chops in particular open up exciting possibilities for stereo signals!

For the mastering engineer, the VSM-3 provides all the unique saturation power of the VSM-2 in an economical and convenient plugin. While there are plenty of saturation/distortion plugin options available, only the VSM-3 offers the singular sonic personality of the over-built VSM-2.

Software itsan 04.04.2019 0

Vertigo VSM-3 OSX

Developed by Brainworx, the Vertigo VSM-3 plugin delivers the beloved badass harmonic generators of Vertigo Sound’s acclaimed VSM-2 Mix Satellite.

The engineers at Brainworx have carefully studied the lusted-after harmonic generation and shrewd settings of the VSM-2 hardware, and obsessively recreated it all in the VSM-3 plugin.

The plugin even adds some features not found on the original hardware like the THD Mixer’s dry/wet control, and the ability to run the Crusher and Blender in parallel or serially.

The VSM-2 sound is now an A-List option for adding character and emphasis to tracks and busses. Its M/S chops in particular open up exciting possibilities for stereo signals!

For the mastering engineer, the VSM-3 provides all the unique saturation power of the VSM-2 in an economical and convenient plugin. While there are plenty of saturation/distortion plugin options available, only the VSM-3 offers the singular sonic personality of the over-built VSM-2.

Software itsan 07.04.2019 0
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