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Title Category Author Date

Audio Modeling - SWAM Solo Woodwinds Bundle v3

Software paceman2g 17.02.2023 2

Roland SRX PIANO I & II for Windows


Based on Concert Piano, the second title in the legacy SRX wave expansion board series, SRX PIANO I presents an exquisite stereo-sampled concert piano for composition, recording, and performance. All samples were taken from a single, extremely rare and elegant European piano, with the finest mics and converters used to faithfully preserve its soft, delicate voice and natural resonance.


Based on Complete Piano, the eleventh title in the legacy SRX wave expansion board series, SRX PIANO II presents a single, stunning 88-note acoustic grand. Sampled specifically for the original board, every note of this world-class piano was meticulously recorded in high-resolution stereo, with four-way velocity switching and other nuances. Offering expressive playability with clear tone, bright harmonics, and ultra-wide dynamic range, this inspiring instrument is ideal for virtually all musical styles.

Software paceman2g 15.09.2021 2
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