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Title Category Author Date


Coalescence, your compact Max for Live instrument, redefines sampling through cutting-edge concatenative techniques and machine learning. Harnessing a SOM neural network, it organizes samples into clusters based on chosen spectral features, unleashing creative possibilities. Three Playback Modes – Point, Rings, Paths Neural Network – Cluster Visualization, Training Options, Flexible Transient Use External Audio Input – Dynamic Modulations, Envelopes and Pitch Detection Robust Modulation System – Versatile Modulation Sources, Per-Voice Filter

Software Broeliyoek 13.03.2024 0

novation peak editor


Software Broeliyoek 07.12.2021 1


Polyphylla by Mellisonic is a new Max For Live instrument that makes additive synthesis accessible and fun. Aimed at electronic music producers as well as experimental composers, music educators and production novices, you’ll master it in minutes but make amazing sounds with it for years to come.

Software Broeliyoek 18.01.2021 0

Effect Racks by Puremagnetik

Effect Racks is a collection of over 200 sophisticated audio effects engineered for instant sound sculpting. It comes packed with an endless variety of Channel Strips, DJ and Live PA effects, Glitch Racks, Amp Racks, Modulators, Filters, Beat Processors and Noise Boxes

Software Broeliyoek 18.01.2021 0
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