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Introducing THE BEATKRUSHER – The Ultimate All-in-One distortion Plug-In!

Are you tired of struggling to build the perfect chain for your kicks? Look no further!
We have created THE BEATKRUSHER, the ultimate solution for your music production needs.

We carefully handpicked the most widely used plug-ins and combined them into one powerful unit.
But that’s not all – we took it a step further and designed it to work and sound the absolute best.
Get ready for massive EQ spikes, analog-sounding distortion, deep filters,
and a special phase distortion that will take your kicks to the next level.

THE BEATKRUSHER is not limited to kicks alone.
It is a versatile tool that can be used on vocals, synths, percussion, and more.
Unleash your creativity and explore new ways to create distorted sounds like never before!

Join the ranks of pro producers and generate epic kicks with ease using THE BEATKRUSHER.
Say goodbye to hours of frustration and hello to a streamlined workflow that delivers professional-grade results.

Don’t miss out on this game-changing plug-in.
It’s time to revolutionize your music production and make distorted sounds in a whole new way!

Get your hands on THE BEATKRUSHER now and discover the limitless possibilities it has to offer.

Software DJSnoop1985 16.02.2024 0
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