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Title Category Author Date

UAD Ultimate 9

The Ultimate Collection of UAD Plug-Ins

UAD Ultimate 9 is the most comprehensive UAD plug‑in bundle available. With all 107 UA‑developed plug‑ins, including top‑sellers from Neve, SSL, Fender, API, Ampex, Capitol Studios, and more

either Windows or Mac would be fantastic, thanks

Software pharrell79 29.12.2020 7

Soundtoys 5

Soundtoys 5 brings together our entire range of audio effects into one powerful collection. Includes all 21 Soundtoys plug-ins.

Saturate, compress, and distort with Decapitator, Radiator, and Devil-Loc. Get a virtual history of echo and delay hardware with EchoBoy and PrimalTap. Transform your vocals with Little AlterBoy. Recreate classic studio pitch, chorus and widening effects with Crystallizer and MicroShift. Take modulation to new levels with the beat-synced rhythmic effects of PanMan, Tremolator, FilterFreak, and PhaseMistress.

All of these individual elements are proven, powerful tools, trusted by professional mix engineers, musicians and sound designers everywhere. But combined in the Soundtoys Effect Rack, they are indeed the ultimate effects collection.

Software qcgermanboy 10.08.2020 7


dynamic resonance suppressor

Software Marc1969 27.04.2020 7

Captain Chords

Captain chords mixed in key

Software JaymySon 17.06.2018 7

Filtershaper XL - cable guys

FilterShaper XL takes a giant leap into unconventional sound design with two powerful filters, multistage drive, and an immensely flexible modulation framework.

Turn synths into twisted mutations that leap from the speakers. Transform basslines into bubbling, pulsing patterns. Morph drums into exciting filtered rhythms and bizarre modular-style FX. Go from subtle nuances and precise tweaks to powerful sweeps, stepped resonances and giant wobbles.

Awesomely Analogue

Software Spech 07.09.2023 6

Soundtoys 5-Effect Rack (for Win)

Software djasek 21.08.2023 6

UVI - Percussion Factory

Percussion Factory was designed to be a modern all-in-one solution for creative percussion sounds, sequences, and performance equipped with an advanced engine offering intelligent preset generation, real-time sequence modifiers, morphable groove, a creative topology outfitted for sound design, over 1,000 percussion sounds, 4,000+ sequences capturing traditional music styles from around the world, native user sample support, and much more.

Software Tim Maia 18.03.2023 6

Antares Autotune Unlimited - MacOSX

Software df3fafas 04.02.2022 6

Neural DSP Soldano SLO-100

Neural DSP Soldano SLO-100

Software markjones5150 28.12.2021 6

Slate Digital MO-TT

Software ha33y 19.12.2021 6


Software meriton93 18.12.2021 6

FL STUDIO 20.8.3

Software qcgermanboy 02.06.2021 6

FL Studio 20.8.2

Software rewilevi 20.03.2021 6

Nexus 3

Possible to download Nexus 3?

Software rude187 24.01.2021 6

Softube - MODULAR (virtual EURORACK)

Created in close collaboration with Doepfer, the creators and original stewards of the Eurorack modular synth standard, Softube Modular gives you the sound, the freedom, and the expandability of a hardware modular synthesizer, without the constraints. Seven essential component-modeled Doepfer modules are included, plus 50 stock modules, from utilities like mixers and multipliers to sequencers and performance panels. And premium modules from other renowned hardware brands are available to expand your collection.

So dive in, and explore a new sonic frontier where anything is possible, and you never run out of patch cables.

Software rubio11 26.11.2020 6

Kit Maker

Turn your Samples & Maschine Libraries into kits for a variety of DAWs, automatically!

Software xxoooxx 22.10.2020 6

nexus 3 - reFX

I want this program, and I need it!

Software Datzhio 13.10.2020 6

Hive 2 For Mac-OSX

Software ostran 19.08.2020 6

Antares autotune Pro 9

Software k3r3n3 04.12.2019 6

Slate SSD5 for Mac

Software matt-taylor 05.01.2019 6
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