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Acousticsamples B5-V3

The B5 Organ V3

Based on real tonewheel samples and fully modeled: from the tonewheel pickups and the AO-28 amp to the resistive wires, to the drawbars and key contacts... Everything has been carefully measured on different models and adjusted to match real organs.
The true sound of an organ with the flexibility of synthesis.

A Hybrid Approach

Hammond organs are complex beasts, full of wires and mechanical parts. Until now, the best renditions (short of a real organ) were made using pure synthesis, mainly because the organ works using a set of 91 frequencies that are connected via contactors under each key and whose volume is controlled by the drawbars. Sample based libraries consist of stacking drawbar samples at the same time. This works, but causes a major problem: sometimes you play the same frequency twice and because of phase cancellation, you never get the same sound twice when you press the same keys. We have found a way using the 91 frequencies synthesis approach, but with real samples, which allows you to enjoy the best of both worlds: a real recorded organ tone plus the real mechanical behavior but with the added benefits of functioning drawbar controls and synthesis tweakability.

Software Jaggo1968 05.06.2021 1
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