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Title Category Author Date

Learn Beat Making in FL Studio: Beatmaking, Drum Programming and Music Composition for Hip-Hop & Rap

About This Class


In this course, you are going to learn how to make beats in FL Studio, the industry standard DAW.

We will dive into the world of melodies and I will teach you how to layer different instruments to achieve a pro level sound. This is not a music theory course, but I will show you practical and useful tips to create melodies, harmonies, countermelodies and other elements.

Then, I will show you how to create a professional beat on top of the melody we developed during the course.

Finally, you will learn how to arrange your beats to keep the interest of the listener across the entire track.

Lerning JaiOne 02.03.2024 0

Learn Industry Quality HipHop Drum Production

About This Class

In this class you will learn how to confidently produce with industry level techniques. I go into depth on how you should approach picking your drum samples, making drum patterns, & more. Throughout this class I encourage you to practice alongside me as you watch so that you can fully implement all the skills and knowledge to help take your production to the next level.

Lerning JaiOne 02.03.2024 0

Make a Beat in FL Studio: Programming Drum Patterns

About This Class

Since developing a passion for music production, Isaac Duarte, also known as IBEENART, has dedicated his career to helping aspiring music producers elevate their craft and change their lives with his music production tutorials. With over 40K followers on Instagram and 25K subscribers on YouTube, Isaac has crafted an online community of other producers looking to learn from him and his decade of experience in the music industry. You might’ve heard Isaac’s productions in video games or in mixed tapes, where he is known for his attention-grabbing, high-quality beats.

This four-part series brings together everything Isaac has learned as a full-time digital music producer and taught as content creator in the music space. In this class, Isaac shares how to make a really good drum pattern, choose high quality sounds, find good rhythms, and add hi hat rolls to hot spots.

With Isaac as your teacher, you’ll:

Start the foundation of your your beat by creating your own hi-hat pattern
Explore classic snare sounds, snare rolls and claps, and accent snares
Create your own 808 and kick patterns
Develop movement and texture using percussion
Plus, you’ll get access to Isaac’s final piece and the sounds and tools he used to put it together.

Whether you already have a general understanding of producing with drums or you’re looking to get into more advanced techniques like finding the right pocket for your snares and hi hat patterns, this class will reveal how to get creative with your drum patterns and choose the right sounds for your productions.

While you don’t specifically need FL studio experience to take this class, you do need an understanding of digital audio workstations (DAWs) to be able to follow along. You’ll also need a computer, your DAW of choice, and a pair of headphones. Over the ear, wired headphones are recommended but not required. If any of this class feels beyond your skill level, check out this introduction to DAWs and music production with Dom McLennon or start from the beginning of Isaac’s full Music Production Learning Path.

Lerning JaiOne 02.03.2024 0

Producer Secrets: Essentials on making beats! 10X your learning curve
About This Class

In this class you will learn the real secrets behind making beats! You will learn how to make interesting melodies that are catchy, drums that make your head knock, mixing and mastering to deliver your beat at the highest quality. Making beats is simple but at the same time hard. You will learn essential tips and tricks that took me months and even years to learn.

Lerning JaiOne 02.03.2024 0
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