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Title Category Author Date

The Blueprint (Gene On Earth Masterclass)

Gene On Earth takes you inside his studio to show you just how he creates those famous nuggets from his Limousine Dream label year after year. Throughout over 5 and a half hours of top-level music production, he shows you everything from digging tips to his workflow with samples and soft synths, plus a variety of tricks to get the perfect arrangement.

This is a comprehensive course using Ableton that covers every facet of Gene's music-making process. In it you will learn:
How he finishes every track he start.
His techniques for making music that is dynamic instead of static
How to get from a blank screen to a sweet loop quickly
His digging process and how it's completely connected to his music making process
All of the technical and musical techniques he uses
His methods for success inside and outside the studio.

Lerning mbenner 16.08.2023 1

MixWithTheMasters - Inside The Track 31

Join us at Guillaume Tell studios in Paris for our first series with John Powell.

The renowned film composer describes how he typically embarks on a new project, referring to his work on the movie ‘How to Train Your Dragon’. Following a discussion about finding inspiration, his influences, and modern workflow, he introduces the multi-track session of the film cue ‘Third Date’. Taking you through various parts of the record, he elaborates on the composition process, storyline vs. music, arrangement techniques, structure, contrast, samples vs. live recordings, optimal instrument ranges, and other musical aspects. He also comments on his work from more technical and emotional perspectives, discussing topics such as his studio setup, pre-mixing, tracking, distortion, ghost writing, self-criticism, obsessing over details, seeking help, and the benefits of collaboration.

Lerning mbenner 27.07.2023 2

Mix With The Masters - Inside The Track 24

Unfortunately no description on MWTM website, might be removed?

Lerning mbenner 27.07.2023 1
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