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Title Category Author Date

Samplestate Modern Tech House Massive Patches

Libraries nomercy123 21.02.2020 1

Strezov Sampling Balkan Ethnic Orchestra

Libraries djasek 20.02.2020 3


Libraries iamthabeat 19.02.2020 0

Arousor for mac version by Empirical Labs

This would be killer

Software hyongtae94 19.02.2020 0

Sampleson Brushify Pro

Libraries jazzman21 18.02.2020 0

Vienna Ensemble Pro 7

Vienna Ensemble Pro 7. This mixing and hosting application enables you to set up a multiple computer network with both Macs and PCs without the need for extra MIDI and audio interfaces – all you need is a single Ethernet cable!

Software amid3 17.02.2020 4

Serato DJ Pro Suite MAC

Mac version of Serato DJ Pro Suite

Software Linker 16.02.2020 0

please disregard my last post i ment to say 1.1.3 XLN XO update. Thanks

Drum Sequencer

Software MasterTeacher 15.02.2020 2

please disregard my last post i ment to say 1.1.3 XLN XO update. Thanks

Libraries MasterTeacher 15.02.2020 2

XLN XO 4.1.4

Drum sequencer made easy

Software MasterTeacher 15.02.2020 4


Supposed to be one of the best 808 kits you can get

Libraries Linker 15.02.2020 0

Gold Baby Tape Drum Machine Collection

Gold Baby kit that has 55 drum machines recorded via tape.

Libraries Linker 15.02.2020 0

Ambient MIDI Piano Melodies

Libraries luvsky 10.02.2020 2


Software antoniskoll 09.02.2020 0

Gold Baby When Alien Drum Robots Attack

would love to see any of the Sp12/SP1200 or 808 collections, but would love to see When Alien Drum Robots Attack also

Libraries Linker 09.02.2020 0


This is a Boom Library that can't be found anywhere online. I would extremely appreciate it if anyone can share.


Libraries nathanbroad 09.02.2020 0

audiomodern riffer

its a tool to help you create midi seuence

Software hijiinks 08.02.2020 1

mvpplatinum sweet 70s's vol 2

Libraries Rashad Harris 08.02.2020 0

sample magic RETRO GUITARS

Libraries Rashad Harris 08.02.2020 0

sample magic DISCO AND FUNK BASS 2

Libraries Rashad Harris 08.02.2020 0
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