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Title | Category | Author | Date | ||
Newloops Thorn Pro Expansion |
Libraries | Zipppo | 16.05.2019 | ||
Spitfire Audio Orchestra |
Libraries | radium | 10.05.2019 | ||
TOYBOX Blocks BundleTOYBOX is a collection of 130 modular software synthesis blocks for Reaktor Player. |
Software | Soviet | 08.05.2019 | ||
ENGINE LibrariesDoes anybody know where can we download an ENGINE libraries such as Dark Era, Celtic Era, Era II etc. |
Libraries | howitsmade | 07.05.2019 | ||
W. A. PRODUCTION - What About: Mantra |
Libraries | martin2015 | 06.05.2019 | ||
Cinestrings Cores by CinesamplesCinestrings Cores by Cinesamples |
Libraries | antoniskoll | 05.05.2019 | ||
Libraries | Zipppo | 04.05.2019 | ||
Power Tools for Synthesizer Programming: The Ultimate Reference for Sound Design BookFrom hit records to home studios, synthesizers are used in almost every genre of music. This book fills the know-how gap left by skimpy or garbled owner's manuals. It maps out the components of contemporary synths in clear, concise detail, and discusses how they can be harnessed to achieve specific musical effects. Each chapter presents hands-on projects that help musicians hone their skills. The companion CDROM contains audio examples that teach programming techniques. |
Learning | nmkeraj | 04.05.2019 | ||
Born To Produce Masterclass Electronic DrumsBorn To Produce Masterclass Electronic Drums |
Learning | nmkeraj | 02.05.2019 | ||
Cinesamples - Ancient Bones (Kontakt) |
Libraries | Antitone | 01.05.2019 | ||
FM Synthesis Masterclass Make Crazy Epic SoundsLevel-Up Your Synth Skills |
Learning | nmkeraj | 30.04.2019 | ||
Black Octopus Euphoria for DS Thorn (by Protoculture) |
Libraries | Zipppo | 30.04.2019 | ||
OwnHammer Heavy Hitters Collection Volume I [WAV]Hi! |
Software | hin82 | 28.04.2019 | ||
Softube Tube Tech Collection |
Software | Dee M | 28.04.2019 | || Tech Compressor |
Software | Dee M | 28.04.2019 | ||
Optigan Archives V1 + Optigan / Orchestron / Talentmaker BundleOptican and talentmaker original samples |
Libraries | hawaii | 26.04.2019 | ||
Audionamix - Xtra-Stems 2 |
Software | nuel2001 | 23.04.2019 | ||
Sugar Bytes EffectrixPresets for Sugar Bytes Effectrix |
Libraries | ostran | 23.04.2019 | ||
Effectrix |
Libraries | ostran | 23.04.2019 | ||
Pelham & Junior - LoFi Blossom Sample PackLoFi Hip-Hop or "Chill Hop" has been a continuously growing genre ever since its inception. However, the genre was introduced to a much broader audience via Japanese Anime. Especially when Hip-Hop producer Nujabes did all of the main production/scorings for the popular Samurai Champloo animation. If you listen close, you can hear much of the alternative music and acoustic blends being sampled throughout his production -- the same "scoring" & laid back non-hip hop music that was being used in other animations. |
Libraries | Beatmaker3 | 21.04.2019 |