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Title Category Author Date

Freshly Squeezed Samples - Serum Future Progressive Volume 1

Purchase Here:…me-1.html

Containing 177 cutting-edge, modern Serum Presets, 59 MIDI files, a collection of drum samples and a complete Ableton Live 8.1 demo project file (as heard in the demo), this pack truly captures the modern, relevant progressive sound cutting up the clubs.

Inspired by artists such as Grum, Eric Prydz (Pryda), Dezza, Jeremy Olander, deadmau5 and iconic labels such as Anjunabeats and Anjunadeep, this pack has exactly the kind of sounds you need to make your next big progressive track.

Libraries justr0ck12 18.01.2019 0

Noteperformer 3 by Wallander Instruments

NotePerformer for Sibelius, Finale, and Dorico Notation programs has a small hard drive footprint, but GREAT sound! I would be using the Windows version, but I'm sure people would appreciate having the MAC version as well. I hope to see this soon! Thank you!

Libraries audiosampler 17.01.2019 0

initial audio Reverse plugin

a reverse plugin with time section

Software pex 17.01.2019 3

Groove3 Slate Digital VTM Explained TUTORiAL

Libraries flyonthewall 17.01.2019 1

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Arranging and Orchestration - Michael Miller

Learning jimmy2018 16.01.2019 0

ALL 4 Airwave Omnisphere Libraries Vol3

Libraries keanu2011 15.01.2019 0

NI Komplete 12 Ultimate

NI Komplete 12 Ultimate WINDOWS

Software k3r3n3 13.01.2019 9

Anything From
Would be very helpful

Learning radium 13.01.2019 1

Groove3 Eventide H3000 Factory Explained TUTORiAL

Libraries flyonthewall 12.01.2019 0

Memphis Soul Kit Kontakt

The Memphis Soul Kit was recorded using a legendary Gretsch 1960s Round Badge Kit. Currently they are one of the most sought after kits from that era. We recorded this kit to capture a certain sound, the sound of the late 60s and early 70s that came out of the Royal Studios in Memphis. Home to legendary producer and founder of Hi Records, Willie Mitchell. This studio was responsible for recording hit after hit from famous Soul Artists such as Al Green and Ann Peebles. We have studied and recreated the drum sound.

Libraries bretthekid 12.01.2019 1

String Audio Monolith Atmos and Abyss

Kontakt Sound design 23 gigs

Libraries Jawad 12.01.2019 0

VocALign Pro 4

Libraries johnnyz 12.01.2019 17

PRO Templates for Logic Pro X - Marc Mozart

• PRO Templates for Logic Pro X you can easily costumize for your needs!

• Channel Strip Library supporting the following plug-in brands:
Logic Pro X 10.4 Native on-board plug-ins
Native Instruments
iZotope Ozone / Neutron / Nectar
Waves Audio
Slate Digital
SSL Native v6
more brands will be added

• Halls of Fame Reverb plug-in featuring IRs of 5 famous hardware reverbs

• ALL previous versions of MIX TEMPLE (including versions for Logic Pro X, Cubase, ProTools, Ableton)

• Features many key tips and tricks from my bestselling book YOUR MIX SUCKS

Libraries frenchkiff 10.01.2019 2

8Dio- Advanced Guitar Series

Libraries vano 10.01.2019 1

Auto-Tune Pro 9

Software k3r3n3 10.01.2019 2

Famous Audio Lunatic Dubstep

Libraries darkstar441 10.01.2019 1

Freaky Loops Heavy Riddim Dubstep

Libraries darkstar441 10.01.2019 1

Freaky Loops Heavy Dubstep Vol 2

Libraries darkstar441 10.01.2019 1

Freaky Loops Mind Twisting Electro

Libraries darkstar441 10.01.2019 1

Melody Sauce

Software r5fiyahbeats 10.01.2019 2
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