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Title Category Author Date

Production Music Live - Acoustic Melodic House Themes - Vol.2

This is the second version of Acoustic Melodic House Themes. We teamed up again with Orchestral Tools to deliver the best quality of melodic and percussive themes that can serve as the main theme of your next track.

Six of our favorite producers got access to the Orchestral Tools Libraries and crafted mesmerizing tonal & atonal percussion loops, breathtaking melodic and harmony themes, atmospheres and a lot more.

Acoustic Melodic House Themes are the building blocks of organic and dynamic music production. A pack full of inspiration and our cure against writer’s block.

Libraries Tim Maia 23.12.2022 6 - SLAP MOVE (Slap House Bundle)

Libraries makkhus 08.11.2022 6

Apogee Vintage/Modern FX Bundle

Includes -
Pultec EQP-1A
Pultec MEQ-5
ModEQ 6

Obsessively crafted by the same team that designs all Apogee hardware and software products, Apogee FX and FX Rack plugins offer superior sound quality, and full bandwidth performance (44.1 to 192.kHz) for all DAWs on your Mac. From visually modern interfaces that allow you to precisely shape and contour your sound to meticulously modeled vintage hardware that is so accurate it has been endorsed by the hardware manufacturer, Apogee plugins will quickly find their way into your daily recording tool kit.

Libraries arbit 11.07.2022 6

Native Indtruments - Session Guitarist - Electric Mint

Libraries ekmusic 05.07.2022 6

UVI Vintage Vault 4

The premier collection of authentic vintage synthesizer and drum machine sounds just got better! Vintage Vault now includes 36 UVI products, 800,000 samples and over 14,000 hand-crafted presets all created using the original hardware, 255 machines overall

Libraries Ketch50 18.02.2022 6

Audioreakt Modern Techno Sample Pack

Libraries nomercy123 28.05.2021 6

Production Music Live - Equinox - Melodic Techno Ableton Template

Libraries nomercy123 09.04.2021 6

Destination The Ultimate STMPD Big Room Soundset

The producer school & Evo sounds STMPD sample pack!

Libraries azvicii95 07.06.2020 6

#GIANT MIDI : +2000 Files

Libraries PadBanger 29.03.2020 6

Heavyocity FORZO Modern Brass

Libraries NOUR 12.10.2018 6


Libraries Donald Hwang 12.07.2018 6

Plugin Alliance Brain Worx Bundle

Libraries kash4sho 14.02.2018 6

SoundPaint All Bundle

Libraries arkain 25.11.2022 5

GRAVITY - The Ultimate Slap House Bundle

Libraries DJFatihDURSUN 04.02.2022 5

Cookin Soul & soul rupreme

Libraries kalmplex 15.12.2021 5

Best Service Ancient ERA Persia

Libraries john kori 01.10.2021 5


The essential sounds for industry level production, with Drip vibes.


10 808s
10 Claps
10 Hi-Hats
10 Kicks
10 Open Hats
25 Percussion
10 Snares
5 Textures
3 FX's

Libraries roms53 08.05.2021 5

Riemann Berlin Techno 4

Libraries nomercy123 10.04.2021 5

Spitfire Audio Everything

Libraries Ursu27 10.06.2020 5


Libraries catselidis 12.11.2019 5
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