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Title Category Author Date

Butterfly Effect

An ambient sound design plugin that creates beautiful pads from melodic instruments

Software westybrook 25.09.2023 0

EZKEYS 2 (Out 16th May)

Please this would be great on the site.

Software westybrook 02.05.2023 8

FaderPro George Smeddles Track from Scratch

This looks great and I see you have a lot from FaderPro already. Hope this one can be added too. Thank you.

Libraries westybrook 21.08.2023 0

Future Audio DST

DST is a next generation Multi-Band Distortion Plugin with Innovative distortion algorithms

Software westybrook 24.09.2023 0


Great mastering software

Software westybrook 12.02.2023 0

Rhythmizer Ultra

VST Generate infinite, randomised MIDI

Software westybrook 12.04.2024 1

Sonic Academy HOW TO MAKE Jackin House with Dirty Secretz

This would be a great course to have. Thank you

Libraries westybrook 09.03.2022 0

The Pattern by Phil Speiser

The perfect drums for your song are now always just a few clicks away…

It took me many years to understand what really makes the drums in my productions not only sound professional but also exciting and inspiring.
You can easily get lost in the process and kill your creative flow.
Is the kick sample the right one? Is the snare too loud? Why does it sound so static and boring?

THE_PATTERN combines hundreds of Drum Samples and Drum Patterns in an extremely smart and intuitive workflow providing instant release ready results that can be easily tweaked and modified until they are exactly as you want them to be.

Or you start completely from scratch and build your own kit in no time.

THE_PATTERN is all my experience tuned into the drum sequencer I could only dream of.. And trust me.. now that I finished it I can’t even believe myself what it can do…

Software westybrook 08.05.2023 2

THE_STRIP Phil Speiser

Intelligent Mixing Plugin

Software westybrook 30.08.2023 0

Waves Harmony

Real-Time Vocal Harmony Playground

It’s time to introduce Harmony to your music—it’s that simple.

Create instant vocal harmonies—up to 8 voices generated from a single voice—and quickly craft your dream vocal production. Easily personalize the character and texture of each voice with built-in pitch, formant, panning, delay, filtering and drag-and-drop modulation, to back up your vocal leads with creative colour.

Software westybrook 18.01.2023 0

What The Key by Phil Speiser


Software westybrook 08.05.2023 2
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