As the landscape of choral education changes - disrupted by Glee, YouTube, and increasingly cheap audio production software - teachers of choral conducting need current research in the field that...
Music has been a vital part of leisure activity across time and cultures. Contemporary commodification, commercialization, and consumerism, however, have created a chasm between conceptualizations of...
Michael Broyles, "Revolutions in American Music: Three Decades That Changed a Country and Its Sounds" The story of how unexpected connections between music, technology, and race across three...
Few aspects of daily existence are untouched by technology. The learning and teaching of music is no exception, and arguably has been impacted as much or more than other areas of life. Digital...
Experiencing Jazz, Third Edition is an integrated textbook, website, and audio anthology for jazz appreciation and history courses. Through readings, illustrations, timelines, listening guides, and a...
Designed for the "musicianship" portion of the freshman-sophomore music theory sequence, Benjamin/Horvit/Koozin/Nelson's MUSIC FOR SIGHT SINGING, Seventh Edition, presents music that is challenging...
Remediating Sound studies the phenomena of remixing, mashup and recomposition: forms of reuse and sampling that have come to characterise much of YouTube's audiovisual content. Through collaborative...
Guitar Chords For Dummies is full of, well, guitar chords. This indispensable reference is a must for guitarists of every ambition, skill level, and musical genre, providing a key to the simplest and...
Embark on a transformative journey into the world of music production with this comprehensive masterclass. Authored by an industry expert, this book demystifies the art and science of creating hit...
As the movie and music industries have changed, film scoring has become an overwhelmingly independent process. Film composers have more responsibilities than ever before, and they must fulfill them...
Designing Interactions for Music and Sound presents multidisciplinary research and case studies in electronic music production, dance-composer collaboration, AI tools for live performance, multimedia...
Ernst Levy was a visionary Swiss pianist, composer, and teacher who developed an approach to music theory that has come to be known as "negative harmony." Levy's theories have had a wide influence,...
Why do we love music? What enables us to create it, perceive it, and enjoy it? In From Perception to Pleasure, Robert Zatorre provides answers to these questions from the perspective of cognitive...
Format: PDFThis book provides an overview of electronic music systems, including their history and how they work. It covers various techniques and controls used in electronic music production, and offers advice...
Contemporary popular musics such as hip hop, techno, grime, EDM, drill, house and so on are among the most listened to in the world and yet, typically, they are barely covered in the music classroom...