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Title Category Author Date


Libraries lostdaga 11.01.2025 0


Libraries lostdaga 11.01.2025 0

Glitchmachines - SKEIN FM Synth

Skein features 4 operators with skew controls and noise, as well as a flexible modulation matrix with per-cell modulation, per-operator feedback and eight user-definable algorithm presets. Key parameters can be targeted by numerous modulation sources such as 4 LFOs with 15 wave shapes, 4 modulation sequencers with various utilities and up to 32 steps, and 4 multi-mode envelopes. Easily shape and polish patches via two versatile multi-mode filters, as well as an effects processing chain that features 4 multi-effects with local randomizers and a reconfigurable chain order interface.

Much like our other creative audio plugins, we’ve taken an unconventional approach with Skein. Instead of replicating the classic digital FM synths of the past, we set out to create a new instrument that is primarily focused on sound design and sonic experimentation. With a multitude of powerful modulation sources and a variety of processors such as distortion, bit crusher, chorus, phaser, delay, reverb and buffer effects, Skein is capable of generating an incredibly diverse and expressive range of tones and timbres.

Libraries VoshVidya 10.01.2025 2

Kalifornia Dynamic Alkane

Kalifornia Dynamic Alkane

Software JMF808 10.01.2025 0

Mixed in Key


Software Djciso Cdmx 10.01.2025 0

Devious Machines: Bass Focus

Devious Machines: Bass Focus

Software JMF808 06.01.2025 1

Request: Rene Wise DJ Masterclass - Home of Sound

Hello everyone, I am looking for the Home of Sound masterclass from Rene Wise

Link to the course:


This DJ course is designed for beginners to intermediate and advanced DJs through foundational skills, advanced techniques and tools to develop your creative way of playing with up to 4 decks. Whether you're refining your basics or aiming to elevate your performances, this course is structured to enhance your abilities and understanding of DJing as an art form (if you are an intermediate to advanced DJ, you may wish to skip the first few chapters that were recorded to support beginners in their journey).

More than just technical demonstrations; this masterclass is an opportunity to learn from a master of the craft, sharing personal experiences, professional techniques, and insights that can transform the way you perform and produce music.

The content and principles apply to any mixer and CDJs.

Part 1 - The Art of DJing and Techniques

What is DJing for me
Mixing techniques
Tracks selection and organisation
Part 2 - Advanced Techniques

Advanced layering
Structuring the set and advanced techniques (incl. transitions, hot cues, fx, other)
Playing with 4 decks
Getting in the flow and interacting with the audience
How to build your confidence to adapt to different situations
Travelling and health

Learning zancani 05.01.2025 1

Producer Supply - 10+ GB Ultimate Full Site Bundle

Libraries DLADAnaconda 05.01.2025 0

PRoducer Supply - Hit Records Deconstructed - 200+ Packs Bundle
77$ now on sale

Libraries DLADAnaconda 05.01.2025 0

New activation Manager unlocker ( Steinberg)

VR please release a new activation manager as the Dorico and yamaha plugins don't work now and they use to. Thank you

Software guitarplayer2007 03.01.2025 0


Are you ready to transform your reFX Nexus 5 into a true masterpiece? Introducing the Incredibly High-Quality Skins for reFX Nexus 5 by COLOVE Products — designed to elevate your sound design experience and make your favorite plugin even better. This groundbreaking series of skins doesn’t just offer a fresh look; it redefines how you interact with Nexus 5, infusing your workflow with style, sophistication, and visual appeal. In this post, we’ll walk you through the key features of these skins, reveal what sets them apart from anything you’ve seen before, and show you why they’re a must-have for every reFX Nexus 5 user. Whether you’re a seasoned producer or just starting your creative journey, our skins are designed to bring a sleek, modern aesthetic that enhances your music production experience. Specifically designed for reFX Nexus 5, this brand-new series provides a stunning visual upgrade while preserving the intuitive interface you love. Whether you’re a professional producer or a newcomer, these skins will transform your Nexus 5 into both a masterpiece and a powerful tool in your studio. Read on to discover all the benefits and what we’ve managed to achieve.

Software torrentakias 28.12.2024 5

djaa maasta for Win

Software hoviofficial 27.12.2024 0

odin 3.2 update

This update is really needed

Software hoviofficial 27.12.2024 0

Cableguys Filtershaper XL for Mac

Would be great if someone where able to post Cableguys Filtershaper XL for macOS.

Software zangpa 25.12.2024 0

Dub System MAC

DopeSONIX Dub System – VST / AU – Reggae & Dub Instruments
DUB SYSTEM is a unique and vintage sounding Dub and Reggae VST/AU plug-in for PC or MAC. This software has been specifically designed for producers who require that awesome Island infused sound in one simple, easy to use plug-in.

DUB SYSTEM includes 100’s of classic instruments and patches such as all of which have been recorded, EQ’ed and mixed to match that legendary Jamaican sound, giving you top quality Dub & Roots vibes right out of the box.

Software daddysyl 24.12.2024 0

Sonarworks 5.12.0

Libraries djasek 23.12.2024 0

Minimal Audio Current 2.0 for macOS

Would be great if someone could post Minimal Audio Current 2.0 for macOS.

Software zangpa 23.12.2024 2

Unfiltered Audio plugins for macOS

It would be fantastic if someone could post any Unfiltered Audio plugins for macos. There's a bunch of old plugs for pre-2020, but most of them are pretty unstable if you use them on new Macs.

Software zangpa 23.12.2024 3

NEXUS5 Expansion: Vintage Synths 3

Treasure Trove
Get ready to unlock the magic of the past with Vintage Synths 3!

Building on the legacy of its predecessors, this expansion is a meticulously crafted collection of the most iconic analog and digital synthesizers of the '70s, '80s, and '90s. Sound design legends Manuel Schleis and Andy Hinz have once again combined their expertise, diving deep into their treasure trove of vintage hardware to bring you the most authentic and inspiring sounds.

A must-have for producers and collectors alike! This is the ultimate tribute to the timeless sound of classic synthesizers. Discover the warmth, character, and sonic depth that only vintage gear can provide, now ready to power your productions in the modern age.

Software torrentakias 22.12.2024 6

Waves Plugins

Software bergennn 22.12.2024 6
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