
The Requests Rules

You can click the "Re-upload please!" button to inform us about broken links:

- if you have premium account on Rapidgator and you can't download file because Rapidgator links are dead

- OR you have premium account on FileCat and you can't download file because FileCat links are dead (or FileCat links were not added to the post)

You can be sure, our team will re-upload files for you in 24 hours.

If download links are alive but you can't download because you have not premium account - please don't send a request! Our site has premium links only.

Download problems:

If you sent a reupload request because you download files using some software etc.:

- Most likely problems in this software. Try do download directly in your browser.

If you sent a reupload request because you see similar errors: Error 404 - no session found, Error 500 An unexpected error occurred...:

- Try to download a few hours later. Most likely these are temporary problems on the filehost's server.

If you sent a reupload request because the file host is down:

- Try to download later when the file host starts working again.

Extracting files problems:

If you downloaded file, but you can't use its contents because the file is damaged or archive need a password or other errors - please don't send a request!

Try these steps:

1) Try to use latest WinRAR (for Windows users) or Keka (for Mac OS users)

2) Try to re-download a file. If an archive is a multipart - try to re-download
all .rar parts. Perhaps some parts have been downloaded with errors or you lack some .rar parts.

3) If still problems - leave a comment about an error.

Crack / Keygen does not work:

If crack / keygen does not work - please don't send a request! Just leave a comment about this. You must know we do not make cracks / keygens.


There is a limit to requests: 1 request for each user in 24 hours from last reupload. Do not create multiple accounts for sending reupload requests. You will be banned for this action.

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