System: MacOSXTape stops - LoFi starts! Key Features. Create subtle to strong pitch errors in your signal. Six different Modes, simulating a variety of dropout behaviors....
System: MacOSXBack in Time, Forward in Sound. Key Features. add appeal, life & character to any audio signal. analog modeled Warble section for slow pitch changes. Flutter section with four distinct movement modes....
System: MacOSXRevive Your Sound with Timeless Motion. Infuse Your Tracks with. Dynamic Motion that Captivates. Bring Depth, Character, and Interest to Your Sound. Key Features....
System: MacOSXBreak your sound with raw power. Key Features. Grater Control lever that adds extreme compression, punch and distortion. Sharpness Control to tune Grater response....
System: MacOSXMaster your Stereo Signal. MAXIMUM control of your stereo image. Key Features. Advanced Multiband Stereo Shaper. Two different stereo processing modes. M/S (Mid/Side) and Haas....
System: MacOSXDrum processing just got a hell of a lot easier. Key Features. Add instant fat and slap to any drum sound. Signature sounds and handcrafted presets by Mr Bill....
System: MacOSXEasily Extract The Frequencies You Need. Key Features. Extraction control allowing you to extract sounds and tighten any loop. Accurate transient detection mode with sensitivity control....
System: MacOSXPrecision-Made Audio Clipping for the Modern Age. Key Features. Precise Push and Ceiling parameters for optimal sound shaping. Smooth transition between soft and hard clipping modes....
System: WiNInsight 2 is a comprehensive metering and audio analysis plug-in that is a trusted component of award-winning post production and music studios. Get a complete set of meters that can be customized...
System: WiNFactoid is a lightweight music plug-in and standalone application that lets you remix and randomize any audio clip. Sharing the same machine learning decomposition engine than Factorsynth, it...
System: MacOSXEqualizer is an audio plugin that intelligently and automatically EQs your tracks. It's an equalizer in the most literal sense; it tries to make everything equal....
System: MacOSXThe Three-Body Technology Cenozoix Compressor is named after the Cenozoic era, a time following the extinction of the dinosaurs. Packed with innovations, this mixing and mastering plugin is leading...
System: MacOSXThe ultimate lofi plug-in - Now with Native Kontrol Standard. Vinyl simulates the dust, scratches, warp, and mechanical noise of beloved vinyl records. Oh yeah, and it's FREE....
System: MacOSXVoice Enhancement Assistant. Enjoy the sound of your own voice. VEA is an AI audio enhancer that takes any voice recording and makes it more powerful, more polished, and more professional. This...
System: MacOSXWith version 10, we've added new features and functionality to address some of the most common repair problems that exist in today's post projects, making it the definitive choice for audio post...