Genre: Electronic, CinematicA new generation of software synth that combines the sounds of nature with a complex synthesis engine to create weird and wonderful organic soundscapes. The latest version of the BioTek Organic...
System: WiN, MacOSXThe hugely popular iOS app by Delta-V Audio has come to the desktop! SpaceCraft Granular Synth is well known for providing instant gratification and inspiring creative flow. Two parallel granular...
System: WiNFormat: MPCGenre: Trap or Trapstep, Soul or Trap SoulMPC users needing that soulful, warm vibe from originally played samples and classic-sounding drums - textured as if they’re lifted from a vinyl record will rejoice with Soul Provider 3!...
System: WiN, MacOSXFormat: MPCGenre: Soul or Trap SoulThe Soulful Instruments expansion is exactly the detail to attention and quality you’ve come to expect from MSXII Sound Design. 64 key groups of vintage upright pianos, Precision Bass, Rhodes, horns,...
System: WiNAkai Pro and legendary Hip-Hop producer Ski Beatz team up to bring you this new collection of sampled instruments. Ski Beatz has gathered an assorted collection of his favorite hardware including...
System: WiNFormat: TUTORiALGenre: Rap or Hip HopLearning: MasterclassMaking LoFi Beats Masterclass Expansion Better beat making starts with knowledge and insight. MPC Beats Academy are proud to offer this premium workshop in collaboration with ADSR, focused on...
System: WiN, MacOSXGenre: Rap or Hip HopWestcoast Hiphop comes with 130 additional presets for Heatup3 inspired by classic Hiphop artists such as Dr Dre, Nate Dogg, Warren G, Snoop Dog, 2pac, Ice Cube and many more. Expand your Heatup3...
System: WiNVinyl. Even that word conjures up the sweet warm days of analog. And like all things vintage, if you want the full experience you need to include the characteristic artifacts. In the case of vinyl...
System: WiNGetting the “perfect mix” for your music involves more than just a great set of ears. You also need high-quality tools to make your music stand out. Apart from the usual timbre and dynamics...
System: WiNFinally a delay and reverb with some attitude! Not only does Space Duck feature a ducking circuit so your delay and reverb don’t crowd your mix, but we’ve also included some unusual filters and EQ...
System: WiNWe all love our 808 snares, but let’s face it, sometimes you need to venture away from the same-old-thing and do something different. With snare drums, that can be scary given how important they are...
System: WiNYou don’t need to spend a lot of money on high quality mastering solutions. 2getheraudio’s RICH Audio Mastering tool gets you there without breaking the bank. RICH uses a proprietary PTC (progressive...
System: WiNFollowing the huge success of our RICH mastering processor comes RICH Drums, a dedicated dynamics, EQ and imaging processor for your drum tracks. Just put RICH Drums on your stereo drum bus, step...
System: WiNNot everything in life needs to be hard. Creating a unique sound can be easy and fun. RE4ORM does just that by providing simple macro-driven control over a powerful additive synthesis engine. It’s...
System: WiNWhile you may have a bunch of audio effects, but shaping them with automation events in your DAW can quickly kill your creative flow. RE4ORM FX keeps it simple and fun by letting you draw your...