Genre: Instrumental, ClassicConcert Grand YF3 is based on robot-assisted deep multisampling of a meticulously well-kept 9' Yamaha CFIII concert grand piano. Extremely sensitive and responding to the lightest touch, Concert...
Genre: Instrumental, ClassicThe Black Pearl B200 stands out as one of the more contemporary-sounding pianos in the Pianoverse collection. It's based on a 7' Bösendorfer 214VC Vienna Concert grand piano, a model renowned for its...
Genre: Instrumental, ClassicBlack Diamond B280 is based on a Bösendorfer 280 Vienna Concert, also known as the Concert Grand 280VC. With a timbre all its own, Black Diamond B280 can easily convey darker moods while conserving...
Genre: Instrumental, ClassicRoyal Upright Y5 is based on robot-assisted deep multisampling of a modern Yamaha U5 upright piano with its sostenuto pedal. The direct and intimate sound of the Royal Upright Y5 is ideal for jazz or...
Genre: Instrumental, ClassicNY Grand S274 is based on robot-assisted deep multisampling of a 9' Steinway & Sons New York D-274 concert grand piano, a majestic musical instrument known to be the pinnacle of concert grands and...
Genre: Instrumental, ClassicThe Liberty Upright piano is not just a virtual instrument; it's a unique piece of history based on a robot-assisted deep multisampling of a 1915 Koch & Korselt upright grand piano from Bohemia in...
Genre: Instrumental, ClassicThe Liberty Upright piano is not just a virtual instrument; it's a unique piece of history based on a robot-assisted deep multisampling of a 1915 Koch & Korselt upright grand piano from Bohemia in...
Genre: Instrumental, ClassicHamburg Grand S274 is based on a robot-assisted deep multisampling of a 9' Hamburg D-274 from 1958, a concert grand piano manufactured by Steinway & Sons of Germany. Each Hamburg D-274 is handcrafted...
Format: KONTAKTGenre: Cinematic, Ambient or ChillOut, ElectronicHYBRID SYNTHESIZER FOR LUSH PADS, VIBRANT LEADS & INTRICATE ATMOSPHERES. Sonora Cinematic is excited to present Porphyra Hybrid, an innovative Kontakt Player synthesizer created in collaboration with...
Format: KONTAKTGenre: InstrumentalThe recognition value of this instrument is inimitable. Our intention was to get pretty close to the LOWREY Organ. and legendary FAB FOUR L-S-D sound. Here are the main features:...
Format: KONTAKTGenre: World or Ethnic, Ambient or ChillOutYou can not play a wrong note with this instrument! This handmade instrument has excellent workmanship and a balanced, clear sound. The haunting sound of the „Magadi Kalimba“ with 30 notes can be...
Format: MULTiFORMAT, Ableton Live, ReFillGenre: Techno or Tech HouseLoopmasters are proud to present Experimental Techno - a brooding and sinister collection by purveyor of forward-thinking electronic music, Sam KDC. The full extent of Sam’s sonic palette is on...
Format: KONTAKTGenre: Instrumental, Classic, PopThe market of piano libraries is oversaturated, that's true. But why might this piano interest you? Thanks to the well-known PastToFuture Quality Gear Chain, in which we only used the finest analog...
Format: KONTAKTGenre: Orchestral, ClassicA symphony of progress: Versatile, Agile, and Detailed. Fluid Woods marks the 3rd collaborative effort between Audio Imperia and Performance Samples, falling in lock step with Fluid Woods' goals:...