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Title Category Author Date

Singomakers Rawstyle Massacre

Inspired by artists such as Digital Punk, E-Force, Warface, Radical Redemption, Endymion, Hard Driver, Kronos, Adaro, Sub Sonik, Malua, Sub Zero Project and more!
Expect to find 2.11 GB of samples at 155 BPM, including 240 One Shots (incl 70 Rawstyle kicks (35 long & 35 shot version, reversed kicks, claps, snares, hihats etc), 110 Screech Loops (55 Dry, 55 Wet), 88 Music Loops, 148 Fills & Rolls (56 Kick Rolls, 62 FX Fills, 30 Synth Fills), 20 Filtered Kick Loops, 20 Kick Loops, 75 Midi Files (Music Loops), 265 Rex2 Files, 69 Sampler Patches, , 100 SFX (incl Cinematic FX, Downlifters, Uplifters, Noises etc), 66 Vocals Shouts, 29 Rhymes (9 Dry, 20 Wet), 61 VST Synth Patches (34 Massive, 27 Spire) + Promo & Discount Folder.
One more thing…Singomakers provided Promo/Discount codes for their amazing new plugin Fatmaker and already well known Kick Tweak & Magic Stereo VST/AU plugins, which have been used by many A-List producers like Hardwell, Chris Lake, Dannic, W&W, Joachim Garraud, D.O.D, Jordy Dazz, Swanky Tunes, Proxy, Shapov and more!

Libraries Agoric 21.01.2018 2
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