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Title Category Author Date

KIT plugins BB Mo-Q

Software jazzman21 27.09.2022 0

KIT plugins BB N105 V2 Channel Strip

Software jazzman21 27.09.2022 1

TwinR by SKNote Audio

Plugin that models the Fender Twin.

Libraries jazzman21 02.08.2022 2

Kit Plugins Blackbird N105 V2

Software jazzman21 03.01.2022 2

Toontrack Fields of Rock

Libraries jazzman21 27.12.2021 3

EastWest Voices of Soul

Libraries jazzman21 27.12.2021 2

Softube Console 1 Update

New update for Softube Console 1

Software jazzman21 15.12.2021 1

Acousticsamples VHorns Brass Section

Libraries jazzman21 21.10.2021 1

Toontrack Superior Drummer 3.2.4 for Windows

Software jazzman21 19.09.2021 1

Toontrack Superoir Drummer 3.2.4 for Windows

Software jazzman21 15.06.2021 1

Empirical Labs Trak Pak for Softube Console 1

Software jazzman21 05.04.2021 2

TwinR by SKnote

Software jazzman21 15.03.2021 1

Brainworx Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Class A

Software jazzman21 09.02.2021 2

Inspired Acoustics Inspirata

Software jazzman21 02.02.2021 1

Kush Audio Silika

Libraries jazzman21 01.01.2021 0

Brainworx bx_console SSL 9000 J

Software jazzman21 31.12.2020 0

MODARTT Pianoteq 7

Libraries jazzman21 30.11.2020 3

T-RackS Sunset Sound Studio Reverb

Software jazzman21 18.09.2020 0

IK Multimedia MixBox

Software jazzman21 18.09.2020 1

Toontrack Latin Cuban Percussion EZX

Software jazzman21 17.09.2020 0
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