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Title Category Author Date

Help Me Devvon HMD Rosetta EQ

The HMD Rosetta EQ was designed to translate your sonic desires into actionable language. Instead of using the traditional hertz we use words. Words that actually correlate with the frequencies we manipulate on traditional EQs. There are no meters or units of DB on Rosetta because we want you to use your ears not your eyes. HMD Rosetta can help guide you in learning how to use EQ as well as break bad habits that we've developed from analyzers. This EQ will speed up your workflow and show you the way.

This plugin uses ilok which is free. You do not need an ilok usb, just your computer. Enter the activation code that is sent to your email upon opening the plugin. Download ilok manager before installing plugin.

Software mr_jones_245 24.01.2023 1
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