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Title Category Author Date

Chrome Sounds by Chrome Sparks (Splice)

Chrome Sparks released a sample pack through Splice called Chrome Sounds!

Libraries imakesoundsnstuff 22.10.2018 1

Drums of War 2

Kontakt library from cinesamples

Chang Chang
Djun Djuns*
Frame Drums
Fish Shaker
Mixing Bells
Mondo Toms
One Shot Shaker
Shime Daikos*
Sub Boom

Best regards

Libraries vano 21.10.2018 0

Power House for Valhalla Shimmer
Over 225+ New Presets
Delivered in four complete preset formats
1. vstpresets
2. fxp
3. tfx
4. aupresets

Libraries mourningheir 20.10.2018 0

All Kits Bundle Deal

Check out our brand new All Kits Bundle Deal on Beats24-7! This is the Deal of all Deals! By purchasing this Product you will get every, yes every Kit on our entire Website. That means all Drum Kits, Sample and Vocal Packs, Construction Kits, Preset Banks, Loop Packs, …. EVERYTHING! Do not pass up this huge offer and opportunity! Instead of buying our Kits here and there and end up spending a lot of money you can get all and everything for a lot cheaper! This Deal gets you all Products (VSTs excluded) worth more than $2699 for a crazy cheap price… Be sure to benefit from this dope deal and save a ton of money!

•More than 160 High Quality Kits from Beats24-7
•More than 100 GB of content
•Usable in all DAWs (FL Studio, Cubase, Logic, Studio One, Reason, etc.)
•Only VST plugins and their expansions are excluded
•100% Royalty-free
•Instant D/L as .zip file

Libraries pex 17.10.2018 0

F9 Audio Electric Funk Instruments & Multisamples (Ableton Live)

The Kontakt part is already posted. The Ableton Live part is not.

Libraries Zipppo 16.10.2018 1

GForce M-Tron Pro mac

Libraries flyonthewall 14.10.2018 0

F9 Electric Funk Instruments & Multisamples

128+ Multisampled Funk Instruments

Ever since the release of Electric Funk so many of you have asked when will we be releasing a pack of playable funk instruments.

We are very proud to present 128 exceptionally playable instruments that run using native Logic & Ableton DAW samplers and Kontakt**. This collection is our homage to an era of music that shaped electronic club music for decades.

The only way to get the truly authentic tones of the electro-funk explosion that dominated mid 80s club and R+B chart-toppers was to sample the original hardware. That's exactly what we did here but with the 21st-century sonics that F9 is infamous for.

Libraries djstev1e 13.10.2018 2

Heavyocity FORZO Modern Brass

Libraries NOUR 12.10.2018 6

Native Instruments Premium Tube Series v1.1.1 MacOSX

Libraries flyonthewall 11.10.2018 0


Libraries NOUR 10.10.2018 1

Fragment Audio: Hardstyle Harmor presets

i would like you to have these presets since many of us use harmor. its great page. i love :D

Libraries maxi221988 09.10.2018 9

Cinematique Vertigo Strings

Libraries NOUR 08.10.2018 3

Busy Works Beats 808 Science Platinum Edition WAV TUTORiAL

Libraries flyonthewall 05.10.2018 1

Digital Sound Factory E-MU Emax Collector Edition KONTAKT

Libraries flyonthewall 02.10.2018 1

Native Instruments Premium Tube Series v1.3.1 MAC

Libraries flyonthewall 02.10.2018 0

Music Weapons Drum Weapons WAV Collection [WAV]

Libraries flyonthewall 02.10.2018 0

Groove3 Battery 4 Explained TUTORiAL

Libraries flyonthewall 02.10.2018 0

ADSR Sounds Getting Started With Kontakt

Libraries flyonthewall 29.09.2018 0

Spitfire Audio - Hans Zimmer Strings

Spitfire audio - Hans Zimmer Strings

Libraries midiman01 28.09.2018 3

SKYES Audio Augmentation Elements Library

Libraries Marc1969 27.09.2018 3
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