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Title Category Author Date

Dear Vr Pro 2 for macosx

Please it would be awesome if there was a version of Dear Vr Pro 2 for macosx users

Software gutotx 17.07.2024 0


Software Djciso Cdmx 11.07.2024 0

Auto-Tune Pro 11

Auto-Tune Pro 11 is the most advanced Auto-Tune edition ever. Featuring Auto Mode for real-time correction, a 4-part harmony player, and Graph Mode for detailed pitch and time editing. Runs natively on Apple Silicon and offers ARA2 support for Logic, Studio One and Cubase/Nuendo.

Software MrGarr 05.07.2024 4

Atlas 2 Expansions

Software Ketch50 04.07.2024 2

UVI Quadra Modular

Quadra Modular is a powerful 4-part multi-instrument and sequence designer, ideal for the creation of dynamic, rhythmic, and evolving sequences utilizing an incredible selection of patches created on a wide range of modular synthesizers, from vintage to modern, stand-alone to fully customized and purpose-built systems. We approached recording these beasts as if they were acoustic instruments, creating discrete velocity layers and round-robins in order to capture their organic soul.
Quadra is a versatile instrument, capable of a wide range of sounds and uses from standard fare instrumentation to evolving, complex, and adaptive progressions and harmonizations that can be morphed and performed in numerous ways to suit the needs of your production. With a masterful selection of hundreds of professionally designed presets, Quadra offers incredible sound quality and near endless inspiration on-demand.

Software Ketch50 04.07.2024 6

Start All Back v3.7.10

Software nuel2001 04.07.2024 2


Software ekmusic 01.07.2024 2

Varispeed 4 for Ableton Live (MFL Device)

Software sasi rajput 01.07.2024 3

Varispeed 4

Varispeed 4 for Ableton Live (MFL Device) by Elisabeth Homeland

Software sasi rajput 01.07.2024 2


mac ua distressor vst would be awesome if thats possible, many thanks!!!!

Software bearyogi 27.06.2024 1

Ample Bass TR6

Ample Bass TR6, based on a Yamaha TRB JP2 (John Patitucci) 6-String Bass.

Software miketramp 26.06.2024 1

Madrona Labs - Sumu

Sumu breaks completely new ground in software synthesis, combining additive resynthesis with FM and vector field spatialization. Its collection of ten modules, designed around a unique multi-channel patcher, offer musical possibilities not found in any other instrument.

Software VoshVidya 26.06.2024 4

Tone Projects Michelangelo

Software jazzman21 24.06.2024 1

Prime Studio - Caribou Series Bundle

Software JalalFakhri 23.06.2024 1

Fuser v2

Software Djciso Cdmx 20.06.2024 0

Instant Audio BassRift

InstantAudio BassRift

Software daddysyl 19.06.2024 0

Dawesome ChopSuey (Mac OS)

Get your kicks with Chop Suey and take your productions to the next level! Chop Suey is a low-end powerhouse making kick drum design super easy and enjoyable.

Many thanks in advance!

Software soundtester 18.06.2024 2

SynthEdit Version 1.4. Build 709 [11-Jun-2024]

SynthEdit Version 1.4. Build 709 [11-Jun-2024]

an update fisxin stuff;

v1.4.703 - 2024-01-29
more robust ProtectedFile2
v1.4.702 - 2024-01-25
fix host-control "Oversampling/Rate" when accessed from DSP
Oversampling Control defaults to 'off'
v1.4.700 - 2023-12-19
fix for non-English number formatting etc (locale)
v1.4.698 - 2023-12-04
fix for voice allocation bug (over-stealing)

Software Dispatcher 18.06.2024 1

Sononym 1.5 mac

Sononym 1.5

Software travishamlett 17.06.2024 0

Sony - 360 WalkMix Creator for Windows

360 WalkMix Creator™ enables musicians and creators to produce music easily and creatively in an immersive spherical sound field using the 360 Reality Audio Music Format.

Software JalalFakhri 17.06.2024 1
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