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Title Category Author Date

Serato Studio 1.4..9


Software dowizzle 12.09.2020 1

Drip Fx

Software ostran 11.09.2020 5

Vast Vaporizor 2

Vaporizer2 is our flagship hybrid wavetable additive / subtractive VST/AU synthesizer / sampler workstation. The intention of this development is to create an alias-free versatile high-performance wavetable sound engine with low system CPU resource usage.

Software Ketch50 07.09.2020 0

AVOX4 Plugins for PC (Antares)

Thank you in advance.

Software Lagrenouillette 04.09.2020 2

Immerse with vst Decoder /Steinberg - Embody

Thank you in advance

Software Lagrenouillette 04.09.2020 4

Izotope RX 8

Software migge999 02.09.2020 0

AURAS by Slate + Ash

Auras is a stunning collection of shifting timbres and textures, which can be expressively sculpted by hand in real-time to create richly detailed sonic landscapes.

Software rubio11 28.08.2020 1

Hive 2 For Mac-OSX

Software ostran 19.08.2020 6

Hybrid Harp

Software Kardingdeira 18.08.2020 0

Neo-Soul Keys® Studio 2 (VST/AU/AAX/Reason)

Neo-Soul Keys Studio 2 is the next evolution in electric piano sounds and effects from Gospel Musicians, which features a complete architecture overhaul using our Pure Synth structure and licensed VKFX effects from Overloud. Our goal with version 2 was to make an all encompassing electric piano and effects library that will complete all of your electric piano sound and digital effects needs. Don't think of Neo-Soul Keys Studio 2 as just a sample library only. Is is actually a complete EP Library and effects plugin featuring not only Overloud's VKFX library and factory presets, but 17 brand new effects that seamlessly integrates together with shared effects preset recall from within the library and plugin. The interface has a complete overhaul and designed for ease of use for novices, and extensive control for power users. Finally, we up'd the ante with 8-Brand new electric pianos that features the clean and well manicured side of your EP experience. Don't worry, we still have the dirt and grit that you liked from version 1, but now you have the ability to dial in your own grit given that each of the 6 sound slots are completely programmable, which allows you to load any sound into any slot. You even have the option to load the same sound into multiple slots for a vast amount of layering possibilities.

General Desktop Library Stats:

Neo-Soul Keys Studio 2 Library - Comes as Standalone/VST/AU/AAX/Reason 10+ (VST/AU Support).
iFX Rack (VKFX Effects Library) - Comes as VST/AU/AAX/Reason 10+ (VST/AU Support).
Available IAP for the rest of the 17 effects (non VKFX).
50 GB (16GB Lossless Compression) Library.
147 Total Sounds.
37 Full Electric Piano Sounds.
27 Total Effects (17 more than version 1).
94 Effects Presets with the ability to load in VKFX presets as well.
130 Electric Piano Presets.

Software Tefo 18.08.2020 0

Ample Sound PF

Ample Guitar PF aim to bring a PRS Custom 24 Artist Guitar sound to your studio.

Software madcre8r 17.08.2020 0

Ample Sound AGSH

Ample Guitar Semi Hollow is modeled on a Gibson ES 335 semi-hollow body Guitar of Neck pick-up with fingerstyle, it sounds warm and soft, comfortable with Jazz Fusion and Blues.

Software madcre8r 17.08.2020 1

ReFX Nexus 3

Anyone have this Synth?

Software todjs 16.08.2020 10


I search this vst since a long time but i've found no safe link.

Here is the official website :

Have you got this ?

Have a great day !

Software roms53 16.08.2020 2

bassynth by Wave Alchemy

Software kardiac 14.08.2020 1

Magix Vegas Post Suite

Software Michel2198 11.08.2020 2

Soundtoys 5

Soundtoys 5 brings together our entire range of audio effects into one powerful collection. Includes all 21 Soundtoys plug-ins.

Saturate, compress, and distort with Decapitator, Radiator, and Devil-Loc. Get a virtual history of echo and delay hardware with EchoBoy and PrimalTap. Transform your vocals with Little AlterBoy. Recreate classic studio pitch, chorus and widening effects with Crystallizer and MicroShift. Take modulation to new levels with the beat-synced rhythmic effects of PanMan, Tremolator, FilterFreak, and PhaseMistress.

All of these individual elements are proven, powerful tools, trusted by professional mix engineers, musicians and sound designers everywhere. But combined in the Soundtoys Effect Rack, they are indeed the ultimate effects collection.

Software qcgermanboy 10.08.2020 7

Neural DSP - Archetype Cory Wong

Most plug - ins for guitar are way over processed, geared to the metal players. This one is the straight funk.

Software mitojo 09.08.2020 1

Captain Plugins + Beat

Thank you!!!

Software MattPosch 08.08.2020 3

knif audio knifonium

Analog synth! thank you!

Software Rui Silva 05.08.2020 5
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