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Title Category Author Date

EastWest Spaces II

top selling convolution reverb engine

Software miketramp 26.06.2020 0

UVI Vintage Vault 3

Software miketramp 26.06.2020 3

Rob Papen RAW-Kick (MacOSX)

RAW-Kick is a virtual Synthesizer developed in Conjunctoin with DJ Free-K and DJ Promo. Based on the leqendary RAW Synthesizer.

Software HeckslaOne 22.06.2020 1

Synapse Audio Obsession

Analog Polysynth

Software Ketch50 22.06.2020 5

delicatebeats VST's

I'm New to Audio Love, But I'm digging the Club. So glad I came across this, I see we can make Request, I tried looking for their products on here but I couldn't find any. I would Love to see - black diamonds 2 & WAV vst. Those are the two I would like to see on here, and which ever else that can be found from

Thanks for all the great VST's and Samples.... this is Heaven for producers all around.

Software kardiac 19.06.2020 0

Arturia OB-Xa for Windows

Can we Please do a windows version?

Software Ketch50 19.06.2020 1

Synchro Arts - Revoice pro 4

The Ultimate Pitch & Timing Toolbox

Software miketramp 18.06.2020 0

initial audio 808 massacre

Software r5fiyahbeats 15.06.2020 0


Software qcgermanboy 15.06.2020 0

BABY Audio Super VHS & Comeback Kid

Software charliestooks 15.06.2020 2

G-Sonique DUBXHOX H8

Special Multi-Band Distortion / Waveshaping Unit + Effector

Software HeckslaOne 14.06.2020 0

G-Sonique Neurofunker XG6

G-Sonique Neurofunker XG6 is a modern plug-in Multi-Instrument / Rompler created for Drum 'n' Bass & Neurofunk!!!!

Software HeckslaOne 14.06.2020 0

scaler 2 mac

scaler 2 mac

Software yoodle 13.06.2020 0

WavesFactory Spectre

Spectre is an audio plugin that combines the best features of an enhancer coupled with a graphical parametric EQ.

Spectre processes the difference between the input signal and the EQ signal, introducing harmonic content to just the part of the spectrum that you want from a variety of saturation algorithms based on classic recording hardware.

Spectre can be used on individual tracks, sub-mixes, the entire mix and is ideal for mastering.

Software lytton 11.06.2020 1


Drum replacement

Software Marc1969 10.06.2020 2

Talkbox Jr.

The sample library was recorded at 44kHz/24-bit. The sounds were recorded raw from the official talkbox patches through the tube and straight to your computer. Not only is this library packed with popular phrases, but we have added a slew of sounds reminiscent of the classic 90's Ohio funk era.

We were also able to include some digital synthesis technology using UVI workstation's wavetable functionality. With this technology we were able to turn regular samples into real live moving and breathing synths with the classic Pulse-Wave-Modulation features. This immediate turns a simple Talkbox® sample library into a Talkbox® synthesizer that will be able to do things far beyond what a normal hardware talkbox is able to do.

Software drfangaz 08.06.2020 0

Sonnox Oxford Bundle 2020 for windows

for windows

Software Ketch50 08.06.2020 3


Software Noday 06.06.2020 0


Can you add this software please ?
It's a VST like ElectraX, Morphine, Sytrus....etc
And i can't find it nowhere.

Have a nice day !
Keep safe

Software roms53 04.06.2020 3

SOOTHE 2 & Gullfoss

I need Soothe 2 and Gullfoss.. any link please..

Software blufedf808 03.06.2020 2
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