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Title Category Author Date

Kontakt 5 Updater

Cant use new libraries with my old Kontakt 5 version, It´ll be HUGE if you guys upload the updater to new kontakt versions.

Thank you so much guys!

Software yonimaster 14.02.2018 0

Steinberg Wavelab Pro 9.5

Software kash4sho 12.02.2018 2

UBK Novatron

Software ha33y 12.02.2018 1

VPS Tapestop

Software ha33y 12.02.2018 0

Vintage Vault 2

The premier collection of authentic vintage synthesizer and drum machine sounds just got better! Vintage Vault now includes 50 instruments, 111 drum machines and over 7,000 hand-crafted presets all created using the original hardware. Explore your own personal dream studio packed with over 5 decades of synthesizers and drum machines from analog to digital, classic to obscure, all recorded in professional studios through class-A signal chains just like they were for countless hit records. Now you can experience the raw grit, character and texture of dozens of real hardware instruments with all the simplicity of software. Vintage Vault is easy to use, completely portable, instantly recallable, and never out of sync or out of tune (unless you want it to be!) – it's all the sounds you want, when and wherever you need them.

Software predator39 11.02.2018 0

sound toys bundle for win

all the sound toys bundle for win 64 if possible

Software hijiinks 11.02.2018 1

subboombass 2 mac

Software mlenine 08.02.2018 1

Antares Mic Modeler

Software kash4sho 07.02.2018 0

FabFilter Pro-Q 2 with Rory Webb

Software flyonthewall 06.02.2018 0


Software radium 04.02.2018 1

NI FM8 Win x64

Software Sebastian95515 04.02.2018 0

tone2 complete bundle reupload

please reupload

Software bndtluce 04.02.2018 0

d16 group Phoscyon mac

the best baseline

Software flyonthewall 30.01.2018 0

Scheps Omni Channel

Software M1CKOJA 29.01.2018 1

Beat skillz Breakdance

please upload this one

Software flyonthewall 29.01.2018 0

Spectrasonics RMX Stylus Xpanded full bundle

Can find 3rd party libraries but nothing else, would be good thanks

Software Trouble Shooter 27.01.2018 0

Synfire Pro

Software neuronm 26.01.2018 3

Waves Plugins Complete

Hi guys,
Firstaval thank you so much for this great job
This link seems to be broken GrandRhLib-HD.v1.0.part30.rar (Waves/ Grand Rhapsody Piano HD, part 30 in Rapidgator)
Thank you in advance.
La grenouillette

Software Lagrenouillette 24.01.2018 0

Izotope Stutter Edit for Windows

Recent post mac only

Software Trouble Shooter 23.01.2018 1


Best Mastering Parallel limiter in Market

Software nuel2001 19.01.2018 4
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