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Title Category Author Date



Learning crazzyfool 17.06.2020 0

Mastering in the Box with Ableton Live by Zeitgeist Mastering

Mastering in the Box with Ableton Live by Zeitgeist Mastering TUTORiAL

Learning crazzyfool 17.06.2020 0

Armada University - Luke Bond

Learning knarfdel 17.06.2020 0

Mix with the masters - Inside the track #34 - Malamente

Learning qcgermanboy 14.06.2020 0

Sonic Academy Artist Series Deep Tech House with Vince Watson TUTORiAL

Learning crackerboi 11.06.2020 1

Mix with the masters - Inside the track #4 - Apologize

Mix with the masters - Inside the track #4 - Apologize

Learning eagle007 07.06.2020 0

Mix with the masters - Inside the track #11 - This house is not for sale

Mix with the masters - Inside the track #11 - This house is not for sale

Learning eagle007 07.06.2020 0

Mix with the masters - Inside the track #40 - Ginza

Mix with the masters - Inside the track #40 - Ginza

Learning eagle007 07.06.2020 0

Becoming a Music Making Machine

"Becoming a Music Making Machine
Sick of listening to the same 4-bar loop over and over and never finishing your tracks? Learn my 7-day track finishing workflow, and become a music making machine!"

Learning tabasko 06.06.2020 0

Freshly Squeezed Samples Structure And Arrangement

Structure and arrangement of songs .
The course features 25 videos split into different sections: Structure Analysis, Track Analysis, Workflow, and Song Creation. Each section teaches something different with tips being shared sporadically throughout

Learning Akram 03.06.2020 0

Axtone Academy Course

Tutorial course from Axwell

Learning knarfdel 03.06.2020 0

ProPractice Piano Academy by Josh Wright

Learning mustafa335 02.06.2020 0

Hannes Bieger Arrangement & Mix techniques for club sound


Learning badgerboy 24.05.2020 2

Production Music Live FL Studio - Beginner to Intermediate

After this course:
- you will be able to put & execute ideas into your computer with no figuring and hesitation.

- navigating & interface will be your second home

- you will get to know music production not only as a process but a mindset

- general knowledge such as: necessary equipment, useful websites, workflow of pros & many more will be no more foreign for you

- you will get to know the mixing & mastering essentials and secrets

- your experience level will be as high as 3 years trained producer

Learning houssamill 03.05.2020 2

The 4D Songwriter: How to Dominate the New Music Industry

#1 Music Business Amazon Bestseller!

Learning tareknns 02.05.2020 2

EDMProd - Mixing For Producers

Master mixing fundamentals, learn from the pros, and develop skills that enable you to produce music you're proud to release. - Looks like a nice mixing introduction for beginner's.

Learning Dietttsss 19.04.2020 0

Audiotent u-he Diva Expert Guide

Learning Deafbass 17.04.2020 3

Course: How To and 'Analog' Sound Design with Arturia MINI V3

3+ Hours in depth sound design of Arturia Mini V3 by "Production Music Live"

Learning stajski 16.04.2020 0 - Ableton Live 10 Masterclass

Ableton Live 10 Masterclass!!

Ever since Ableton Live 10 has been released, we’ve been diving into all the new features and realized this update is freaking crazy!

There are so many insane things that can make your production limitless, and you might not even know they exist.

That’s why we decided to create this Masterclass.

We want to teach you how to do almost EVERYTHING in Ableton Live 10… and we want to do it all in just 60 days!!

1. There are so many insane things that you might not even know exists in Ableton Live 10, and we’ll be diving into them all.

2. This course will teach you everything you need to know in just 60 days.

3. This course is even designed to make beginners a beast in Ableton

4. It’s nothing like we’ve ever released before

5. Any resource remotely close to this costs thousands of dollars.

For this Masterclass, we wanted to make sure it could truly take ANY producer from a beginner to someone who can translate ALL their ideas into Ableton Live 10.

So, we did everything in our power to make sure it was exceptional.

Learning Ali_Jabbarpour 09.04.2020 0

Zermelo Music - Tech House Production System

Learning ShutKat 08.04.2020 2
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