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Title | Category | Author | Date | ||
Jens Bogren How it's doneJens Bogren's course where he produces a complete song from start to finish, with the legendary Ihsahn. From the pre production to the mixing and mastering |
Learning | auttist | 13.06.2023 | ||
Truefire - Brad Carlton's Guitar Lab: Triplet-Based Rhythm Vol. 2 |
Learning | guitarfan | 11.06.2023 | ||
Truefire - Brad Carlton's Guitar Lab: Triplet-Based Rhythm Vol. 1 |
Learning | guitarfan | 11.06.2023 | ||
please upload this course! |
Learning | aguzttyn | 10.06.2023 | ||
Master the Score - Pillars of Composition by Ryan LeachProduct Image |
Learning | Peros | 04.06.2023 | ||
Beau Diakowicz Pickup Music Tutorial |
Learning | armanditto | 03.06.2023 | ||
Pickup music Beginner Guitar Learning Pathway |
Learning | karthik | 27.05.2023 | ||
Toolroom Academy - Latin House (Crusy)The Latin House sound is everywhere. Released on labels like Toolroom, Defected and Circus, the sound of tribal percussion mixed with latin influences has been dominating global dancefloors worldwide. |
Learning | walterbarosco | 26.05.2023 | ||
Toolroom Academy - Big Room Tech House (Siege)Siege is one of the most highly regarded producers in the Tech House scene, and a key member of the #ToolroomFamily. In this unique production tutorial, he gives a true masterclass in the genre of Big Room Tech House. |
Learning | walterbarosco | 26.05.2023 | ||
courses from audio hackers academy |
Learning | aguzttyn | 16.05.2023 | ||
Ben Weinman - The Business of Uncompromising ArtBen Weinman, co-founder and guitarist of the trailblazing Dillinger Escape Plan, has teamed up with Soundfly for a course that teaches students how to build a career in music without compromising on their artistic principals. |
Learning | darkhaku | 15.05.2023 | ||
The Percussive Acoustic Guitar MethodPlease upload this course, i have played all its preview videos hundreds of times :( |
Learning | johnwick9876 | 13.05.2023 | ||
Toolroom Academy presents Tech House For SerumToolroom Academy presents Tech House For Serum; our latest preset bank crafted for the world's most popular soft synth. With over 70 brand new sounds for you to explore; this preset bank guarantees to ignite your creative endeavours and inject current projects with fresh sonics. Drawing inspiration from artists like Martin Ikin, Chris Lake, Claude VonStroke, Noizu and Walker & Royce, Tech House For Serum includes a wealth of hard hitting basses, no-nonsense Tech House leads, rich chords, dreamy pads and useful EFX. Every preset is designed to carry a sense of analogue richness, lively top-end and are ready to go from the moment you've loaded them into your VST. With four assignable macros to each patch the possibility to transform each sound lies at your fingertips. No endless tweaking or sound designing on your mixing channels; these presets are ready to be thrown into any situation, providing weight and energy, making them a welcome addition to any producer's armoury. |
Learning | Miguel Nuas | 26.04.2023 | ||
FaderPro - Loudness in Music Production |
Learning | zardew | 24.04.2023 | ||
PML - Everything Bundle - Collector's Edition 2023link : |
Learning | carotte33 | 17.04.2023 | ||
PML - Complete Melodic Techno Start to Finish AcademyProduction music Live Complete Melodic Techno Start to Finish Academy |
Learning | 20gram | 14.04.2023 | ||
Au5 Cryptochrome WalkthroughAu5 walkthrough of one of his song, "Cryptochrome". It also includes various bonus. |
Learning | Water | 12.04.2023 | ||
mix wit the masters inside the track bags clairo |
Learning | vrdct | 03.04.2023 | ||
Learning | JMF808 | 01.04.2023 | ||
Sonic Academy - HOW TO MAKE Techno with Mac VaughnCOURSE DESCRIPTION |
Learning | Drifty | 31.03.2023 |