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Title Category Author Date

DNB Academy Icicle Start-To-Finish Course

Never been done before: Icicle teaching production using Vital

Icicle is one of the most established and technically advanced producers in the Drum & Bass world. Consistently pushing the boundaries for years, he’s showcased techniques using the new Vital synth to bring a fresh perspective into music production.

Gain access to deep insight on his productions with 4+Hours of video as he explains his workflow for topics like drum synthesis, advanced bass synthesis, post processing, resampling, arrangements, composition, mixing, and mastering.

He walks you through his production process start-to-finish in Ableton and teaches you how to produce a professional drum & bass track from scratch with all of the project files included.

If you ever wanted to learn how to produce a deep techy DNB track with one of the best producers in the world through a logical structured & high quality course the you’ve come to the right place.

Lerning Dekoyviceroy 21.02.2021 0

Kan Samples - Tech Flavours

Looking for anything from Kan Samples, they make solid D&B and Trap sample packs.

Libraries Dekoyviceroy 10.01.2021 0
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