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Title Category Author Date

Dopesonix Lo-Fi

When we first started the process of making LoFi we asked ourselves one question. Why has no one really made a LoFi VST instrument dedicated to this type of sound before? Sure, there are plenty of fantastic VST’s with plenty of amazing presets but in reality, you would have to dig through thousands of shiny EDM orientated patches to find the obscure gritty gems. If you looking to create Old School Hip Hop, LoFi, Boom Bap, Chill Hop, Movie Soundtrack, Ambient and Electronica or just need to add some warmth and atmosphere to any track that sounds just too digital, then our LoFi plug-in is the perfect choice.

Software DrGesus 13.05.2020 0

Chord Prism

Easily create your own professional sounding basslines, melodies and arpeggios over any chord progression. VSTi & AU MIDI Effect formats.

Software DrGesus 13.05.2020 0

Audio Modern - PlayBeat

Playbeat is a Creative Groove Randomizer plugin that generates beats and patterns for you. Unlike an ordinary step sequencer, Playbeat creates patterns using algorithmic and random procedures for generating notes by combining Steps, Pitch, Volume and more.

Software DrGesus 15.03.2020 0
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