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Cooper Carter - Fractal FM3 Masterclass


With the FM3, Fractal Audio Systems packs more power and a greater range of vintage, modern, and all-new tones into a smaller footprint than ever before.

In this 13+ hour course, Cooper Carter takes you deep into this mighty floorboard, showing you how to recreate classic sounds, sculpt your own tones, build presets, and dial in effects quickly and with confidence. Along the way he shares tips and tricks developed over years of working in the studio and onstage with bands like Metallica, Journey, Maroon 5, Taylor Swift, Dream Theater, and more more who rely on Fractal night after night for their tone.

From first steps for beginners, through intermediate topics, to advanced techniques, you will learn to build and control your own custom virtual rigs in detail.

Whether you're a guitarist, bassist, or another instrumentalist looking to expand your sonic toolkit, this class is your definitive road-map to the present and future of your tone with the world's most powerful and compact guitar processor: the FM3.

The studio pass grants unlimited streaming access to all lesson modules and downloads of the presets, tone matches, and layouts created during the class.

Lerning JiriRATM 23.09.2022 2
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