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Title Category Author Date

Slate Digital Inifinity EQ

INFINITY EQ is Slate Digital’s most advanced modern equalizer. With zero latency analog matched curves, lightning fast intuitive workflow, unique filter and M/S options, and presets made by pros like Mike Dean and Oak Felder, INFINITY EQ will help you execute your musical ideas with ease.

Software batmanlopeta 15.04.2020 0

Soothe 2 by Oeksound

Soothe2 is a dynamic resonance suppressor. It identifies problematic resonances on the fly and applies matching reduction automatically. This results in a smoother, more balanced sound and saves you from having to notch out the frequencies by hand. The reduction kicks in only when and where needed without affecting the nearby frequency areas. This preserves the timbre of the original sound source and results in transparent treatment with minimal artefacts.

Soothe2 can be used to reduce harshness, sibilance and mud from the sound source, and excels in fixing a range of problems.

With soothe2 you can:
- Remove harshness from close mic’d sound sources
- Transparently manage sibilance in vocals and dialog
- Treat uneven tonal balance from suboptimal recordings
- Clear muddiness, boominess, and proximity effect
- Soften overly bright guitar and piano recordings
- Tame piercing synth sounds
- Save time and effort in audio work. It is equally at home on -individual tracks and on busses. It works wonders on anything from sound design and post-production to the most demanding mastering applications.

Software batmanlopeta 26.03.2020 0
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