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Title Category Author Date

Boom Library - Brute Force

The testament of a powerful sound is in its intricate composition. Layered to perfection, a sound emerges and envelopes, shaking the foundations of our existence. With this library, use the massive impacts, rattles, and screams on their own or layer them with your sounds to make a bigger, more complex and savage sonic experience.

Libraries kaarthicsound 08.11.2021 1

Boom Library - Toy Guns

Everything a toy gun can do: We recorded it. Grabs, movement, clicks, rattles, spins, snaps, grabs, magazines, reloads, shots and more await you in this tightly stocked utility package of sound effects. Complement your existing weapon designs or build new mechanical contraptions from the ground up with TOY GUNS.

Libraries kaarthicsound 08.11.2021 1

Pro Sound Effects - King Collection - Aircraft PRO

King Collection Aircraft, is a go-to all-purpose pack for any media creator by focusing on the most useful aircraft for film, TV and games. KC Aircraft Pro is simply the most extensive aircraft library ever – a comprehensive resource for serious sound artists with thorough recordings from 46 different aircraft.

Libraries kaarthicsound 25.04.2021 1

Pro Sound Effects - King Collection - Guns PRO

The most extensive gun sound effects library ever. Ignite your creativity with expertly crafted firearms from a four-time Academy Award®-winner, Richard King.

Would be awesome if someone finds this :)

Libraries kaarthicsound 05.09.2020 1

Boom Library - Dirt Bikes

DIRT BIKES is the most comprehensive and flexible collection of dirt bike sounds squeezed into one single package. Rig your scenes or game vehicles with the crisp, authentic sound from 19 different models, motor categories and perspectives

Libraries kaarthicsound 05.09.2020 0

Pro Sound Effects - King Collection - Guns PRO

The most extensive gun sound effects library ever. Ignite your creativity with expertly crafted firearms from a four-time Academy Award®-winner, Richard King.

Would be awesome if someone finds this :)

Libraries kaarthicsound 05.09.2020 1
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